
Wenger efter Celtic-matchen

Det kan tyckas "over and done with" och så är det naturligtvis. Vi ser framåt. med smaltubkikare samtidigt som en söt liten hund gläfsar bredvid. Det är min bild av framtiden. Wenger har säkert en annan; men vill först damma av Celtic matchen med några kommentarer. 

Vi börjar med "Snackisen". Eduardos filmning. Wenger är inte helt nöjd, men försvarar inte heller sin spelare ; "From outside I must say it looked a penalty but having seen it again on television, it doesn’t look to be a penalty. But I must still say that we were always likely to score the first goal because Eduardo had a great chance before the penalty and we always looked in control of the game tonight. " Wenger menar att det inte var en straff, men varför Eduardo ramlade- fråga honom själv. "He went down for what reason I do not now."

Gillar Wenger filmningar? "Is it acceptable? I have never asked in my life any guy to dive to win a penalty, but sometimes players go down because there is no other way to escape the goalkeeper’s tackle, sometimes they dive. We got a penalty against us two years ago in the Quarter-Final of the Champions League that made the difference when Babel dived. Nobody ever apologised to us, it was a blatant dive and nobody spoke about it.”  Vad skönt att Wenger tog ur den ur hatten. 

Wenger tycker att Celtic har en massa kvalitet. "I believe that in the two games Celtic were well organised and showed some great mental qualities. They never gave up at any moment, and for me, they are a good side. Over the two games, they were a bit unlucky, because in the first game the free-kick deflected. They were always one behind the score and when there is a technical difference between the two sides, it makes it even harder.” 

..å skadorna fortsätter. Nu är Ramsey skadad. Fabregas osäker och Diaby är trött. Tripp, trapp, trull...

Wenger tackar odkså för Mowbrays kommentar att "Arsenal är bäst i Europa" och säger att det är en komplimang. "We are now in the top, top league in Europe, with all the big names. Somebody told me our team tonight had an average age of 23.9 years. That means if we can get out of the Group Stage, then in six months we can be even stronger. That is what we want to focus on, to continue to improve our team play, the speed of our game and show that we have made big improvements come Saturday at 5.15.” 

Wenger gillar atmosfären på Emirates och känner sig trygg med offensiven i laget "In a team, you would want to score goals. We are orgainised and structured to go forward. The price we pay is sometimes we concede as well, but as long as we score, we do not worry too much.”

Så tar vi systemet. 4-3-3?. Wenger känner att laget är bättre på att försvara sig, men lördag kan bli annorlunda. Men 4-3-3 funkade inte i Champions league förra året. "We played using that system in the Champions League game against Manchester United as well and it didn’t work at all. What changed? I feel in the Champions League, we were on back foot and in the Premier League we were more adventurous and going forward more often. We were too passive in Champions League; it is more mentally than tactically.”

Avslutningsvis; om Old Trafford på Lördag:
I’m happy to go there because it is the first big, big test. You want to have a high level of confidence when you go to Old Trafford and we have that at the moment. For us it is most important to recover physically because Man United didn’t play tonight.” 


Magnus Falk2009-08-27 23:40:00

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