Wenger kommenterar matchen mot Standard Liége
God kväll i stugorna. Oj vilken stämning det har varit idag. Det har varit flaggor i topp, rakade djur och ryggar; ett och annat glatt tillrop och så har vi firat en seger mot en belgisk blå. Näää, inte så va; en belgisk röd var det ju; Standard Liége var väl ungefär som lättmjölk. Lite genomskinligt, passar bra till Corn Flakes och räcker inte i längden. Men det gjorde Arsenal; 3-2; vändning av grabbarna som uppfann moralen. Slå upp moral i nationalencyklopedin och det är en bild på Gunners.
Wenger var glad som en speleman, eller som en lärka eller "pleased as Punch" som engelsmännen säger. Han tyckte att det var jobbigt, bôkigt och lite tvärt att komma under med 2-0 så snabbt. Men, som han säger "stora uppgifter kräver stora män". "To win away from home in the Champions League and score three goals, you know it will be tough. You are in a position where you have to attack with full power, without restriction, and know that the next goal will kill you. We were in a position where we could not afford to conceded a third goal, but had to try to come back to 2-1 at least before half time, which is what we did."
Men laget kom tillbaka. "In the second half, the game dropped a bit in physical intensity. When they got tired, we got some set pieces and took advantage of it. It can happen to anybody to be caught like that, and to win at the end of the game, you need to be very strong, especially on a night like that where Standard gave absolutely everything. They played like a Cup Final tonight with full commitment, and they deserve a lot of credit as well."
Sedan släpper vi in lite klassiskt "I did not zee zat" gånger två; Om straffen "We can win that on appeal! To me it looked harsh. The referee was in a good position, but I was surprised because at the start I thought he was outside the box, but I would have to see it again." Om Gallas mål;"That was impossible to see from the bench." För alla er, som gillar förnekelse; läs och memorera. Wenger är kung på detta. Han borde hålla utbildningar, universitetsklasser. Jag har redan köpt T-shirten och lagt pusslet för övrigt.
Sedan kommenterar vi Eduardo; "It is always inevitable with Eduardo. He was caught out on the first goal, but he is a guy who can always turn up on crosses because he has that anticipation." , men valde att inte kritisera honom när han släppte bollen inför första målet".
"In football you have to accept that when you want your team to play, they take risks. Sometimes the risks are not adjusted to the situation. In this case, he made this decision because he wanted to give the ball to Fabregas, but he lost the ball."
Wenger avslutar kalaset med ett stort leende. Det gnistrar tandkrämspasta från hörntänderna och ett franskt underbart leende dyker upp när han pratar om att han bytte ut Alex Song för att få ett mer offensivt lag; att Thomas Vermaelen hade "an outstanding performance" och att det avslutningsvis var "important to win the game. When you are at a big club, you cannot afford to have too many defeats on the trot. It was important to respond, after being 2-0 down. This will strengthen belief within the camp."
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