Wenger om Matchen mot Wolves
Två självmål?
Eduardo borde väl i alla fall fått stt mål. Tycker väl jag. 4-1 mot Wolves. Grabbarna öser in mål. Inte på 46 år- hörde jag igår- har ett lag gjort så mycket mål på elva matcher. Tre i snitt. Fantastiskt. Enormt. Enastående. Men det läcker betänkligt i försvaret. Oj, vad det läcker. Som en damm i Dalarna under högvatten. Sparka hela försvaret. Genast och sälj någon. Spontansälj Pat Rice. Då skulle han bli väldigt förvånad. "Pat. I have news for you. You are sold. Pack your stuff. You are off to Norwich." Tror han skulle rycka till lite. Han gör inte så mycket väsen av sig bredvid Wenger, men då skulle han bli förvånad. Tycker det är dags att spendera lite tid på att det är helt fucking enastående att Gunners gör så mycket mål. Att det sedan ramlar in en. " " (en gäspning).
Vad sade Wenger om matchen mot Wolves? "jag blir hellre jagad av vargar"? Eller som den heter på Engelska "I'll rather be chased by Wolves". Knappast; men han var nöjd med att leda med 3-0 i paus. "We had chances, we had been under pressure in the first 10-15 minutes and after that I felt we controlled the game. Overall we could have scored many more. We know that on every counter-attack we looked dangerous and as soon as we could win the second ball and put it on the ground, we looked always capable to play through their lines and score goals. I feel that where we were maybe a bit surprising when we came here we expected to suffer on set-pieces, to not necessarily to score on set pieces, and that’s what happened on the first corner. Apart from that, we controlled the game."
Men, Arséne, hade inte Wolves lite chanser på de fasta situationerna? "It’s very difficult to predict what would have happened, but overall, I still feel that we scored three against Tottenham, four against Alkmaar, four today. That means we scored 36 goals now in the League. That is not a coincidence. That means we can score goals. Of course, if they had scored first it would have been much more difficult.”
Men hur försvaras det egentligen? va? Jag kan se en kall hockeyhandske greppa tag om de allra heligaste på Wengeroch trycka upp honom mot väggen. Wenger är dock inte nödbedd utan menar att laget har ett sätt att försvara sig, då alla går framåt. Sedan kommer det- och lyssna och lär nu alla korpar "You cannot have everything in football, but I believe we have a good balance between offense and defence, and as long as we score as many goals as we do, we can accept that.” . Där släpptes greppet och hockey handsken återlämnas till Stefan Liw. "Jaså det var där den var..inte konstigt att det var svårt mot Finland.", sade Liw.
Då Song vilades, så fick Ramsey göra 90 minuter. Strålande insats av Walesaren. "He’s 18 years old and people forget. I set him a target to play between 15 and 20 games this year. So at some stage when you set a boy a target you give him a chance. When we play every three days, I rotated it a little bit because I believe we have a real squad of 20 field players who are of a fantastic level and you can talk and talk and talk, but you have to do it on the pitch as well and give them a chance. He has improved a lot. He has a tremendous engine and he already has good experience for an 18-year-old player.”
Vi rundar av med lite hopp om resten av året. Wenger menar att laget har en önska och vilja att vinna, men att de fokuserar på sitt resultat, sin prestation. Vidare så ser Wenger att - vid denna tid förra året, så var laget redan borta från titeldiskussionen. Men, nu? " We were already out of it last year. Two years ago, we were very close to winning it, and people forget that. And last year we were out very early because in 14 games we had lost five. Now it is very different. We are in a strong position because we have a game in hand. Let’s keep strength in our belief, keep humility, and enjoy our game.”
Go Gunners!