Wenger efter matchen mot Standard Liége
Det var inte belgisk blå; det var Standard-Mjölk. Igen. I det stora landet England, där det ibland regnar- framför allt i November, så visade Gunners hur engelska lag skall göra för att ta sig vidare till åttondelen i Champions league. Jag menar, hur svårt kan det vara? Efter 2-0 mot Standard Liége efter klapp-klapp-spel, målchanser, ok då, en stolpträff från Standard, men glädjespridande budskap, rörlighet som i en knäled och spirituella budskap, så sammanfattar Arsène Wenger matchen på sitt lilla sätt och låtom oss placera oss iknäet hos honom och bara mysa lite...
Strassburgaren i stövlar tyckte att det var en bra första halvlek. I andra halvlek gick man på sparlåga och bevakade resultatet. Men första halvlek.."First half was interesting with fluent moving, it was a very good first half."
Wenger kände vidare att denna match kanske inte direkt betydde att laget reparerade Sunderland-matchen, utan snarare var en bra förberedelse inför matchen mot Chelsea. Vi firar också ett jubileum. 10 år i "knockout-stages i Champions league" och det är starkt "I am pleased because it is not easy [to be that consistent]. I must say in this group we were favourites, that was quite normal, and we just did the job. If you put the 10 years together you can say we have been consistent."
Nu gäller det att kapitalisera på gjorda erfarenheter och gå långt i cupen; eller vad säger du Arsène? "I believe yes but there are two competitions in the Champions League - one is the championship and one is a cup. We move now from the championship to the cup competition and that means it is different psychologically and we go now into a period when every minute is important. We want of course to adapt to that. We have normally the advantage to play the second leg at home so let's get our injured players back and get in a strong position in the League, that is important as well for the confidence of the team." ..å det betyder att vila viktiga spelare mot Olympiakos? "Yes!", sade Wenger. Vi spelar med damlaget.
Vela och Denilson fick speltid. Viktigt, menade Wenger, men det var inte på grund av Chelsea-matchen. "Carlos needs games and I thought I had an opportunity tonight to give him a game and I believe he did like the team - very well in the first half before dropping a little bit in the second half. I was pleased with his movement off the ball and his combination play with his partners in the team."
Sedan berör vi Liverpool; som ramlade ur cupen. Men så tråkigt. Men de kanske kan fokusera på carling Cup? Nehej, inte kvar där heller, men ligan då? Ojdå, 14 pinnar efter. Kanske damlaget kan vinna något? Nåväl; Wenger menar "Well I think when you depend on the results of another team you are in a bad position. They did the job tonight but you always favour Fiorentina at home against Lyon especially when they are on a good run and have an opportunity to qualify for the first time in the history of the club if they win at home. I thought it would be difficult for Liverpool to qualify unless Fiorentina did not beat Lyon."...eller Europa league eller lucky losers-cupen. "It's very difficult to say how much impact it has on the team. They can respond well and say 'let's do well in the Europa League'." Undrar just om Wenger är inbjuden på festen i länken?
Wenger är dock inte glad över att Liverpool är utslagna. " If you say to me I want all the big teams to be out it is impossible. I believe you look at your own performances and if Liverpool is out, somebody else strong is in. Anyway we could not play against them in the early stage of the knockout."
Denilson gjorde comeback och gjorde mål. Skapligt lurigt skott vardet. Bollen fladdrar som ett tygstycke i luften. "I think he has a typical Brazilian shot," säger Wenger. "With this floating ball I think they have shorter ankles and it gives a different flight to the ball. It is typical Brazilian technique and I tried to analyse it many times. I could only think maybe they have a bit shorter ankle in front and they can kick the ball high up with the laces. I have never checked it!"
Wenger avslutar med att dra lite slutsatser från gruppspelet. "Du måste vinna dina hemmamatcher."
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