Wenger efter matchen mot Olympiakos
Små korta notiser når oss från Grekland, där Wenger är nöjd med matchen mot Olympiakos. Vi spelade med historiens yngsta Champions league-lag. Tre artonåringar, en 17åring, en nittonåring, två tjugoåringar, två tjugotvååringar.. Till detta Silvestre och Fabianski. Ändå höll vi stången. Bartley, Cruise debuterade i A-lagssammanhang väl. Sunu, en annan 18åring kom in. Rätt enastående.
Wenger var naturligtvis mycket nöjd"We were positive and overall I am disappointed because we lost the game but proud of the attitude of our young players. They coped mentally and overall we played well. It is difficult to go into any individual performances but nobody was disappointing. At the back we controlled the game well and overall I must say they looked like they play every week in this competition. " Wenger trodde dock på mer stryk denna kväll, men laget höll emot. Man släppte in mål direkt efter pausen och sedan spelade de med erfarenhet.
Wenger hyllar Ramsey och Arshavin(han var inte med, men ändå får han en god klapp). De unga spelarna flöt in bra i laget"From Barnet to Olympiacos is a big jump, but they did very well. They were composed on the ball, they played well and overall we had the expected performance but not the result we could have got from the game. I am proud that we had a positive performance. These youngsters played exactly like the first team, and they represented Arsenal well tonight, despite the fact that they are the youngest team to have played in the Champions League."
Avslutningsvis; hur går lottningen?"I cannot influence the draw. If you ask me there are still some teams I would prefer to others - but if you ask me which teams, I will not answer."