Wenger efter matchen mot Aston Villa
Jag ger matchen ett ord "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". Så det så. Säg det tre gånger, vrid tungan rätt, ta en panodil och somna om. Fabregas är hans namn, han är kung och jag offrar mina fötter för hans skull; eller lår. Kanske vill han låna mina lår, så att han blir frisk. Han lär se ut som en pråm,men frisk. Mina lår är så härliga att jag kallades Sophia Loren är jag var yngre. Fabregas; bli frisk . Snart.
Det tycker nog Wenger också. Och medan han tänker, vfi tänker och motståndarna tänker, så serverar jag Wengers tankar efter matchen. Likt Maximus i Gladiator så sade Wenger "!On my signal; Unleash Hell" å han satte in Fabregas "I felt we had taken over the game and I think we were dominant. We missed a few chances before he came on, we could have been up already, but of course he adds some creativity in your game and at that moment I felt it was needed. ".
Men så blev han ju skadad, den lille katalanen och klart det var värt det; eller? Wenger säger att man kan aldrig veta det; Gunners ledde inte när Fabregas klev på och ledde när han klev av. "If you can prove to me that we would have won the game without him coming on the pitch, I was wrong. But we can never check that.". Så Wenger menar att han gjorde rätt. Även fast mittfältet blir kort om folk, så skulle han dock göra om det. "But I would do it again because sometimes you follow your instinct in a game and if I put him on the bench I know before the game that I will put him on if it is really needed. Had we been 1-0 up I would not have done it. But you do what you think you need to win the game.
Wenger sammanfattar matchen som en bra vinst naturligtvis. Som en dag på havet med segel och mycket fisk. Typ; "I think it is a massive result for the team. When you look where we were a few weeks ago, credit to the team, they didn't give up when everybody has written us off. We kept going and that shows the team has mental strength. Maybe the turning point was the second half at Liverpool when we won the game. " Han medger dock att matchen mot Aston Villa var en viktig match- defensivt; "That was very important for the belief of the team as well. You play against Aston Villa and you don’t concede a goal - that was important for us. ". Det gav också December en bra färg; Laget slog tillbaka. Lite granna som Star Wars "The Empire strikes back", så även Gunners "We had to keep the belief high, to keep the desire. I believe this team is talented, it has great spirit and for me they deserve to be successful. But we have not won anything yet and sometimes when you have not done that you don't know if you can do it. So it was important for them to keep believing they could come back in a decent position.
Vi avslutar med lite spelartänk; Det finns en oro för Denilsons rygg skall medges, menar Wenger och om Arshavin får fortsätta spela längst fram; ja möjligheten finns och sedan kära transferbrigad och älskare av Silly Season; kärnfrågan är; handlar Wenger något? "
“I’ve said we will keep our eyes open and if a good opportunity turns up we will do it. But at the moment I haven’t got any. .I will have to look maybe as well at midfielders and how big the damage is. If we lose Denilson and Fabregas we will be short there. I don’t know yet. "
Sammanfattningsvis: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious