
Dagens Arsenal - 3 Januari 2009

Det är kallt ute, så varför inte värma oss med en riktigt varm och rykande färsk "Dagens Arsenal. Det är  den första för året och den bästa hittills.


Wenger vilar spelare
Det har varit mycket prat om Wengers offrande av cuper för att sikta in sig på liga och Champions League. Visst i tider av prioriteringar, så finsn alltid dessa möjligheter och Wenger medger att FA-cupen kommer trea på listan, även fast det var denna han vann senast "I will have to rest some players, that is for sure,.We want to win, but we want to protect our home games against Bolton and Everton as well, to keep the momentum going.The Premier League is always more important [than the FA Cup], but, in the eyes of the fans, we are looking for trophies. "

Han fortsätter med förklaringarna. Wenger bedömer säsongen annorlunda än fansen "A season is judged on the overall achievement, and people look to who has won the trophies - but I also look at how we have done and how consistently we have played. This team is enjoyable to watch, but also to manage because I want to win every game." 

Men ändå; cupen skall vinnas
; For us, the Carling Cup is exclusively for young players and the FA Cup is one to wi.But we have worked for that policy, and it is not a coincidence. There is four or five years of hard work and patience behind that. Players are better at 19 than they are at 18, and better at 21 than at 19. We have so many players that we have a hard time finding them a chance to play." 

..å han fortsätter och menar att det finns en konflikt mellan FA-cupen och Champions league, som man inte tar sig runt; eftersom de krockar i fjärde-femte omgången av FA-cupen. "This conflict can kick in in the fifth round. The third and fourth rounds are in January but the fifth round is just before we play the Champions League match against Porto.I believe the fans trust me to put out a very competitive side and they know how much I love the FA Cup. Since I have been at the club, we have played in five finals and won four FA Cups and we want to win it again. We want to go through but the third round is always very difficult because you are not installed in the competition and it is always tricky. It's a derby. The FA Cup is a competition with direct knockouts and is always intense emotionally. Also, because of the tradition of the FA Cup and the meaning it has with the final at Wembley, it's so special."

Transferfönstret har öppnats
Fransmannen är medveten om att man kanske måste handla snabbt. Bendtner är borta längre än vad man trodde och van Persie troligtvis hela säsongen. Men vem skall handlas? Inte Chamakh i alla fall; "Chamakh is in the Champions League with Bordeaux and at the top of their league, so he will not move now.He has four months [of his contract] to go with Bordeaux and they have no interest in selling him." .. och Huntelaar inte heller, säger han på hemsidan. Så vem blir det?" "For now I am like I was when I was a student and I had to study for an exam, and I do not know what I will write


Alex Song vill lämna på topp
Den ullhårige, kraftfulle sångaren Alex, som ibland hittar en boll i frisyren menar att han vill lämna för Afrikanska mästerskapen med en vinst"I leave on Monday but I want to finish the job here and leave the team in a strong position.That is very important for me. Against Portsmouth we did very well and I have another game on Sunday.When I go to the Africa Cup if Nations I will have my eyes on Arsenal to see how they are doing because it is very important for me, for the Club, for everyone to do well. I'm confident that when I go the players will do a very good job." 

Theo Walcott gillar också cupen
Den snart 21 årige Walcott menar att det är en fantastisk cup."It gives a great opportunity for lower league teams to try and make a name for themselves. It's nice to go to different stadiums and the fans are so passionate for the FA Cup. It's something that would be great to win. I think in every competition you've got to go for it. You want to win trophies, you want to look back on what you have won." 

Abou Diaby är nöjd som en tupp. 
Efter den senaste tidens stora spel, så är Diaby nöjd som en Pellefant på julafton sopm precis fått ett ägg. "I think now we are in a really good position and I hope that we will keep going and get closer to Chelsea and Manchester United.We have a good opportunity to win the title this year so we have to really work hard for that. " Han forsätter med att säga att det såg lite sämre ut tidigare, men att laget har jobbat hårt de senaste sex månaderna och nu är man redo. För ligan och för Champions league. "If we win (our game in hand) we get to one point behind Chelsea so it's really important for us. We have to win that game to get closer and then we will see what happens. We have everything here to be a great team and we have got to give our best and give everything to win something this year."

Sedan han skrev ett nytt kontrakt, så har han lyst som en lampa"I am very happy to sign a new contract with the club.It shows my long-term commitment to Arsenal. I'm very happy here and I love the club, which is why I'm so pleased to extend my contract. It's a good thing and hopefully we're going to have some great years here. ". han avslutar med att ge Wenger riktig klapp på axeln. "..I want to be thankful because it gives me a lot of confidence. "

Silvestre hoppas på spel
Inte för att vi andra gör det, men vi lyssnar ändå "Of course it is frustrating not to play, because that is what everyone wants to do at the end of the day.But it is also part of the game to be ready for any opportunities so you have to look on the bright side - I am fit, I can play in different positions and I have also had the responsibility to lead the young side in the Carling Cup. I enjoy it and have been proud to do it - and let's see if my experience can help the team more in the second half of the season." Han känner sig dock mycket väl mottagen på Emirates och stannar gärna i klubben, men att han inte vet hur status är"We spoke earlier in the season and agreed that I would stay here until my contract finished at the end of the season at least.I intend to keep my word, and we will see what happens next. Obviously I need to be playing, though, to still be happy." 

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