
Wenger efter matchen mot Burnley

Tillåt mig citera en klassisk strof av den gamle allvetaren Baron de Montesquieu "To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.". Hur mycket skiter ni inte i vem de Montesquieu var; eller..?  Okdå; Han är högerytter i Lille.  Wenger passar naturligtvis in på citatet. Wenger står bakom och med sina grabbar i alla väder, alla vindar, alla soluppgångar och alla solnedgångar - jag inser att det hade varit fräckare på engelska "sunset, dusk, dawn sunrise..", men jag känner begränsningarna och därför blir mitt ordval lite mindre fräckt. Wenger var det. Fransmannen är en mästare, en käck kille och en gentleman(oftast) och han stod bakom sina spelare som kritiserade Stokespelarna för påhoppen och nu skyddar han Bendtner, som brände allt han orkade. Burnley var ett lätt byte. "All styles are good except the tiresome kind. ", sade Voltaire exempelvis. Efter matchen samlar Wenger, den allvetande Argus, ihop tankarna och låter oss veta hur hans hjärna fungerar. 

Vi börjar med Fabregas. Hur mår katalanen? Är han ledsen i ögat? Wenger menar att Fabrgas har en "hamstring"(en" liten hamster" på svenska), liknande den han fick mot Aston Villa och eventuellt missar matchen mot Porto. Nääääää!!!!!

Wenger går vidare, klappar hamstern, som kurar ihop sig hos katalanen och nafsar lite sött, och säger att matchen var jämnare än befarat "We didn't take our chances today and that's why I believe it was very tight until the end. It could have been four, five or six but as well they had a chance to make it 2-2 after a corner. In the end you are happy when you miss the chances we missed today but you get the three points."

Wenger älskade- precis som resten av världen - första målet. Nasris lilla tittande och smekning -- wow "I believe the first goal was a great goal and after we created some magnificent chances in the way we created them, we just could not finish the game off. But the first ball from Nasri was fantastic, the finishing of Fabregas was class. We created plenty of chances today and Theo Walcott gave you the great response you waited for! "

Vi tar de Montesquieu igen "To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them."å undrar hur det gick för Walcott, som blev kölhalad av Chris Waddle? ""I think Walcott does what a player has to do - not talk in the newspapers and let your performance talk on the pitch. He didn't answer any critics other than with a good performance today and that's what you want from a player. That shows he is mentally strong. I was interested to see how he would respond today. I was quite sure he would respond with a good performance but you never know, it affects you when you get criticised. The way he answered that at his age is remarkable." 

Så tar vi dansken också. En dansk skalle perhaps? Eller hade han inte den med sig; kan kanske gjorde somk Hamlet- den gamle danske prinsen- pratade med sin skalle i början av matchen "Ack, stackars Yorick! - Jag kände honom, Horatio, en oändeligt lustig, utomordentligt humoristisk karl.", men Wenger tror inte på det utan tror att Bendtner fastnade i en vinkelvolt med sina tankar och att det såg ut som att han inte brydde sig när han gick av, men oj vad han grubblar..."I believe at the surface he looks like 'okay, I missed the chances', but underneath he is really disappointed. Everybody has a different way to show his emotions, and he hides well, but he cares. Overall in his game, he was quite good. In his finishing, he missed chance after chance, but if you are a striker, it is like that. You think 'I missed the first one, but I will score the next one'. Once you have missed the second one, you are in trouble because after you do not know how to take the third one - 'do I really go for it, or wait for the ball?' That is what happened to him today. "

Fransmannen fortsätter och menar att laget kan vinna titeln. det gäller bara att vara konsekvent och ha en formtopp. Men notera att"When you play against teams who fight not to go down, they will fight until the last minute. Next week we play at Hull and expect exactly the same type of game." 

Därutöver gillar Wenger Nasri. Stenhårt. "He is improving, and in the last month, he is getting better. He had a good game today. The ball he gave to Fabregas to score was absolutely fantastic. He has a great work-rate and runs well with the ball. His passing is getting better and is really improving. " går vi och klappar Fabregas hamster.

Magnus Falk2010-03-06 23:43:00

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