
Wenger efter matchen mot Porto

Efter att John Miltons "Paradise Lost" lästes efter matcher mot Manchester och Chelsea, så kliver nu omkring i Edens Lustgård med nakna nymfer, en orm som är sugen på äpplen och ser man på..en fransman med stövlar och ett leende stort som dalälven. 5-0 mot Porto var mästerligt och vi låter Wenger sammanfatta skeendet på sitt lilla sätt. 

Strassburgaren gillade lagets uppträdande.Han inser att Porto hade mågra chanser i början av andra halvlek, men sedan så ökade Gunneras trycket och"...we scored some great goals. We did what we like to do; we won with style and we were always going forward in a convincing way." 

Nicklas Bendtner har naturligtvis varit i ropet och Wenger gillar att dansken visade vad han kan "I told you how football can change for a player in three days. It goes quickly up and quickly down. And it shows you as well that he has not lost the confidence that he came back tonight with good focus and with the same belief. It is one of his strengths. His confidence level remains relatively stable." Wenger menar också att dansken ger styrka och längd till laget. Sedan skulle inte dansken ta straffen. Inte alls. Men det blev så. han var nummer tre i raden. "He was No 3. The No 1 was Nasri, the No 2 was Arshavin. And he was No 3. He was lucky. Arshavin was out and Nasri as well when the penalty happened."

Så börjar vi spekulera om vem man vill ha i nästa runda. GIF Sundsvall? Vill han möta Engelska lag? Nej, menar Wenger" What I wanted to say, we do not choose Man United or Chelsea. And maybe if I say ‘we absolutely do not want to play an English team’, I put ourselves in an inferior position at the start. I believe maybe if we get them, that it is a good opportunity to show them we can do well."

Men lite revansch mot manU eller Chelsea dock? Personligen vill jag möta alla ndra lag än just dessa två i kvarten. Wenger bryr sig inte" No. I fancy going through in the Quarter-Finals. But I do not want to say absolutely no on playing an English team because, first of all, I don’t have the choice. If I have a choice I would say yes, but I don’t have the choice. And if we get them, we cannot do worse than what we did in the league. We can only do better. You want to make a story with a story. I will take the draw we get. And I do not want to make a negative obsession of not playing against Chelsea or not playing against Man United. That’s all."

Men Barcelona då? (De skall slå ut Stuttgart först...) Wenger svarar på samma sätt. "Vi är glada att vara vidare.Det är starkt att vara bland de åtta bästa. Nu är det bara bra lag kvar. "
Wenger knallar vidare i Edens Lustgård. Äter ett äpple, slår en råbandknop på den där ormen och pratar med Eva&Adam om Samir Nasri. " I believe Nasri is developing very well. What he showed in the game tonight, he has shown in training, and we expected that to come out in games. He is a player with talent and he has shown that again tonight, he showed that on Saturday, and he has started to be efficient now. I believe the first pass against Burnley was great. Tonight on the first goal, he made a great pass to Arshavin and scored a great goal. The great players for me are the players who give assists and score goals. And that is what you want from him." Sedan menar Wenger att även fast Nasri spelade bra centralt, så flyttas han obönhörligen ut på en kant när Fàbregas är åter. 

Om de skadade spelarna säger Wenger; "van Persie är borta en månad till och det är 50/50-chans att Fàbregas spelar mot Hull.". Men samtidigt hyllar Wenger katalanen "For me he is a great player, and if he was there we would have played even better. I think it is important that he comes back as quickly as possible.It was a compliment to the team. Sometimes you can miss a great player for one game or two games, but one game is never enough to judge. In the longer distance you see that better.

Wenger är också mycket förtjust i Arshavin, som han inser gör en skillnad. "I like Arshavin because he can make a difference in the box. When it is one-against-one in the box, you know he will pass the player. And you need to be special to do that."

Vi avslutar med att konstatera att Wenger tyckte att Gunners fart satte problem hos Porto denna kväll. "When we play on a quick pitch, which we have here, and we can play our quick passing game, it is difficult for everybody." Vidare så menar fransmannen att det inte går att välja mellan Champions League och ligan. "What we know is that we are in a period where every game is vital, and we have seen last night again that you have to be absolutely focused on every game in the Premier League. If you don’t do that, you can lose anywhere.   So for us, I already have my mind on Hull because I know that will be a big game for us."


Magnus Falk2010-03-10 09:46:00

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