
Wenger efter Hull

Jag satt på M4an mellan Heathrow och Swindon under kvällen och lyssnade på den fantastiska Radio One. Slånga alla mixmegapols och RixFms i vägge, ställ upp dem framför en arkebuseringspatrull, mata dem med hundmat; RadioOne , Oj. Det kallar jag radioShow. En söndagkväll, så bjuder de in Chipmunk(artist) och låter killen, som hatar fisk, äta Sushi. Det går två minuter så spyr han på redaktionsmattan. Stor radiokonst och vilken musik. Vilken musik. Jojo; Arkebuseringspatrull nästa. 

Mycket om Beckhams skada i England. Inte mycket, utan allt; 115 landskamper och synd om gossen. Naturligtvis. Framför allt då han verkar vara en rätt trevlig gosse och valde att träna med Gunners ett tag. Jag gillar "Becks".

Wenger tänker mera på framtiden efter Hull-segern. Han börjar känna vittring fransmannen. Men det skall till några segrar till. Absolut. Vi börjar med Hull; "It was a very big win. When you play a difficult game at midweek there is a lot of mental tension. And we came here and won today, so of course a big three points. We know what is at stake every time you go away like that. We needed the three points and we got it after 90 minutes, exactly like at Stoke. It tells you that it was a difficult game, but as well that we have desire and mental strength and we never give up. And for such a young team that is great.”

Mycket ungt igen, men inte hade han väl sett det andra målet?? "Yes. But I could also see goals missing because we had the chances to score. And when you miss so many obvious chances, then you think you will not be punished. We’re always leaving it until late at the moment, maybe it’s not good for my heart, but for the championship, it’s not bad.”

Wenger tror på titelchanserna. Absolut. "I believe first of all, that we are in the fight and we have eight games to go. We are in there, why should we not believe? " Pp radion sade de "Believe - Achieve". Läge för ett "Amen!"?
Fransmannen tycker vidare att det var helt rätt att Boateng skickades av plan. Wenger kliver vidare, men menar inte att Boatengs tackling på Sagna var Ramsey-lik "We will need some time to analyse it. At the time I said what I had to say but I listened to many people’s opinions, some were professional players. Some said it was a reckless tackle, and some not. For me, that’s why I believe trust is very important to believe that that guy going in for a tackle has a fair intention.  And only the player knows, sometimes, what he was doing.”

Vår franske estradör och strassburgare tycker att straffsituationen var lite underlig men att holländaren med långa namnet Vennegoor-äähh-- gjorde det bra, men ",,,But there was no real intention to make a penalty. It was accidental, and he was not in a position to score at the moment he did it. But he was offside at the start.”

Vi avslutar med Wenger hyllning till den store dansken, som lyfts sig efter Burnley; "You are always judged on the performance of the day, and on that day maybe he deserved the criticism. But the best way to answer the critics is to come up with a better performance.”

Magnus Falk2010-03-15 00:17:00

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