
20 st Nyårskarameller

Mycket skrivs det om Arsenal. Mycket sägs det om Arsenal. Ibland blir det som sägs odödliga ord. Här är 20 stycken härliga Arsenal-citat genom åren.

Så här i efterdyningar av julefirande tänkte vi presentera 20 stycken citat som vi samlat ihop med hjälp av några av medlemmarna på LN5 som jag tycker hör till de allra bästa Arsenal-relaterade citaten så här långt.

Jag är helt säker på att det finns fler och kanske t o m bättre som vi missat på vägen, fritt fram att delge oss de på North Bank.

Här är hursomhelst en lista på några av de finaste i ingen speciell ordning:

1) "I tried to watch the Sp*rs match on television in my hotel yesterday, but I fell asleep." - Arsene Wenger, 23/9-1996

2)"It's terrible. It's the first big game of my career and I'm absolutely shattered." - Arsene Wenger
The question was if Mr. Wenger was scared ahead of the big big game on the 12th of December 2004 against Chelsea.

3) "Sometimes in football you have to score goals" - Thierry Henry

4) "It's one-nil to the Arsenal and that is the way we like it." - George Allison

5) "He also has incredible speed and power. He's the quickest player at Arsenal - he even beat me just by a fraction!" - Arsène Wenger on Thierry Henry

6) "I have to hand it to Manchester United. They have the best players ... and the best referees." - Sam Hammam, Wimbledon FC.

7) "Everyone thinks they have the prettiest wife at home." - Arsène Wenger

8) "If he was in Star Trek, he'd be the best player in whatever solar system he was in." - Ian Wright on Dennis Bergkamp

9) "You will laugh when I say this, but I did not see the incident" - Arsene Wenger

10) "I started clapping myself until I realised that I was Sunderland's manager." - Peter Reid, after Bergkamp had scored against Sunderland.

11) Arsene Wenger was asked if he thought Arsenal would have to finish above Manchester United to win the Premiership. "You have to finish above everyone to win the Premiership," he pointed out.

12) "If Ryan Giggs is worth £20m, then Dennis Bergkamp is worth £100m." - Marco van Basten

13) "I am going to make this the greatest club in the world" - Herbert Chapman, 1925

14) "For anyone who's old enough, go out and get pissed tonight" - Paul Merson efter ligavinsten 1991

15) "Our signings have been well-judged, with great players like Campbell and van Bronckhorst. People will also have to watch out for Jeffers in attack." - Patrick Vieira, Augusti 2001

16) "My aim is simple - to make Arsenal not just the best in the Premiership, but the biggest and best club in the world" - Arsene Wenger

17) "I would have loved to have signed for Arsenal before I went to Chelsea. Their style of play attracts me and would suit me perfectly. You only have to watch them play to imagine the atmosphere at the club and the camaraderie they have between them." - Didier Drogba

18) "You know," he smiled. "My eyesight just gets worse and worse."
- Arsene Wenger får frågan om Coles hands mot Newcastle var straff.
och till sist, min favorit:

19)"It's ridiculous to suggest that a team could go through a season in our league without losing. It's comical, just comical." - Sir Alex Ferguson, 27/9-2002

20) "My apologies, I am one season too late." - Arsène Wenger at the end of the 2003/04 season when Arsenal were unbeaten.

Erkki Alvenmod 2005-01-02 19:45:00

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