
Kvällens Arsenal - 29 December

Låt mg hjälpa till med julpysslet, kalkonen och ödlevingarna. Här kommer rätt och slätt - en kvällens Arsenal, som binder ihop Chelsea och Wigan. Välkomna.


Om självförtroendet efter Chelsea-matchen
Wenger känenr att det verkar på två sätt. Först och främst så håller man uppe flåset på ManU och på det andra sättet så var det skönt psykologiskt att vinna en viktig match. "I’m happy with the desire in the team. We kept good discipline in the team for 90 minutes and put in a real team performance. It can be a very pivotal moment, but we have to respond away at Wigan on Wednesday night in a game where we want to turn up and take points. We know to beat the big teams at home will have an important impact on this league."

Om vad som gjordes annorlunda
Fransmannen lägger huvudet på sned- som en Cocker-Spaniel-flicka som skall bli klappad-och säger att man har ätit sig närmare och närmare. "This year, at United and Chelsea, we were more frustrated because we were more in the game and there was no real difference. Maybe we played a bit with the handbrake. It was a slow learning process that we got out of our system tonight. Overall, some players – Fabregas said we were maybe scared to win. There were strong words, but maybe there was something in it. We didn’t see that tonight. It was a locked game at the start, but the first goal gave a huge advantage."

Om transferplaner
Wenger skrockar och säger "titta dig omkring. Alla var med idag och med Vermaelen och Gibbs tillbaka...det blir svårt att hitta nåpgot vettigt i transferfönstret."

Om Chelseas sårbarhet
 "You never know with them – they have so many experienced players – so we didn’t expect any weakness of them before the game. We took our chances well and, at 1-0, we took advantage of catching them on the break. At 3-0 you have to gamble. I still count Chelsea as one of the big contenders of the League. I do not think they’re out of it – not at all – after their defeat tonight."

Om att ha ett lag som har mognat till män
Wenger säger "We are not bullied any more. That is for sure. It’s always very difficult to say because every game is different, but I feel we have matured over the last two years. But this League is very difficult to predict. Every game is difficult for everybody. We have to show we’ve got that out of our system and show we can be consistent."

On the title race…
Om titelkampen
Fransmannen med guldstövlar säger att det det är långt kvar, men de har knappat in på ManU. Det är långt kvar och laget måste arbeta vidare i rätt riktning. (De gamla vanliga klyschorna helt enkelt. )


Walcott ville inte göra hemmafansen besvikna
Snabbe Theo som förmodligen gjorde århundradets segergrimas när han gjorde 3-0 menar att man ville visa hemmapubliken att det fanns kamp och hjärta i laget. "We just wanted to play and show everyone what we can do, especially against Chelsea on the big stage. After the win it was great, everyone was buzzing in there. Everyone was just so excited to play that game.”
Theo har missat en del matcher, men är nu åter i laget. Snabb som en glödgad spik "It's just something I've worked on and hopefully it can continue because I've missed a lot of the season so far. I've got nine goals, I'm pleased with that and hopefully that can continue. 've been practising every day in training. It doesn't matter how old you are if you practise after training. I remember when David Beckham came to train with us, he still practised his free kicks.Me growing up to see that, it was great. I learnt from that. I've been practising my crossing and finishing when I can after training when they [the coaches] let me."

Walcott vill ha en segersvit
Han verkar ha öppnat många presenter till jul, den gode Theo. Presenter som handlar om beslut och åsikter. Hans beslut att lägga bollen i famnen på Cesc var lysande och nu lånar han Oppfinnarjockes tänkarluva och säger några visheter om nästa match "We have to go on a run of wins.If you want to be champions and win the League you need to go to places like Wigan and win. We need to do it in every game. It's difficult to do throughout the whole 90 minutes but on Monday there was so much energy the whole team had [against Chelsea]. Come Wednesday we need to do that again because it's going to be tough.We lost there last season so we don't want to do that again. We have to travel a long distance to get there as well."

Wilshere berättar om utmaningen
I Arsenal Magazine så pratar Jack Wilshere om den stora utmaningen han hade när han återkom till Gunners sfter en vår i Bolton. Att nu spela från start i varje match är oväntat, "I guess it’s a bit of a surprise that it’s all come about so quickly.I’m 18 and playing regularly for the first-team, which I know is quite something. But I was always naturally confident I could step up – it was a matter of time, I thought, and I knew I just needed to keep improving and working at my game.Even if things come naturally, you have to do that first of all. The boss has shown faith in me over the past few months and I’ve demonstrated that I can keep my head at this level."

Sisådär. Då rundar vi av med att slå Wigan ikväll.

Magnus Falk2010-12-29 17:23:00

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