Dagens Arsenal - 5 mars
I dagens Arsenal pratar Wenger om Kolo Toure. Ramsey är tillbaka och Samir Nasri tror på att Arsenal tar hem ligatiteln.
Toure gjorde inte med flit
Under torsdagskvällen kom nyheten om att den förre Arsenalspelaren Kolo Toure hade testats positivt i ett dopningtest under föregående helgen. Under gårdagens presskonferens gav Wenger ljus på situationen då han förklarade att Toure hade tagit sin frus bantningspiller och det var det som hade visat sig vara förbjudet. Toure borde såklart ha kollat med Man Citys doktor om han kunde ta preparatet. Det gjorde han inte och kommer med stor sannolikhet stängas av.
"It is a complete surprise. I had Kolo Toure here for years, I brought him to England. He is a boy who has a clean life, very honest living, always at home and a family man. I do not suspect him at all to have taken drugs to enhance his performance. I just think it is a mistake by forgetting to ask ‘can I take that?' He wants to control his weight a little bit because that's where he has some problems and he took the product of his wife. I think it is a mistake and he was not cautious enough. I don't think there's a desire there to do something wrong and hide it.", säger Wenger.
Arsenal jagar fortfarande United
Efter att United förlorade borta mot Chelsea i tisdags har Arsenal ett mycket bättre läge i ligan. Fyra poäng skiljer i nuläget lagen åt men om Arsenal kan vinna mot Sunderland så skiljer det bara en poäng när United åker till Anfield för att möta Liverpool. Wenger ser United som favoriter men säger samtidigt att Arsenal har ligan i egna händer nu.
"No, it's not ours to lose, it's United's to lose. If you look at the bookmakers, they favour United. Mathematically it's in our hands but that doesn't mean that it's ours to lose because if you look at the fixtures, we have difficult games. And I would say exactly the reverse: it's ours to win more than ours to lose, because they are in a leading position. So it's down to us, to our good behaviour, to win it. I don't count too much on United feeling the pressure. I count more on my team than on any weakness of them."
Om Ramseys combackIdag har walasern Aaron Ramsey spela för Arsenal igen. Efter att ha kommit tillbaka från ett lån på fyra veckor hos sin förra klubb Cardiff har Ramsey kommit en bra bit på väg i sin rehabelitering från förra säsongens benbrott. Enligt Arsene Wenger tror Ramsey har en god chans att vara bättre nu än innan han skadade sig. Detta med tanke på hans unga ålder.
"He will be better now because he is a young boy, 19 years old and you expect him to be stronger. When he will be really back on the competitive side of the game he will be stronger. When you have a big injury before the age of 20 normally you come back and you develop normally. That is why the big question mark about him was whether he would be back fully fit physically. That is now sorted out in a positive way, the rest is just a question of playing games.", säger Wenger.
Men det är inte bara walsarens goda fysik som har bidragit till att han nu är redo för spel igen. Wenger imopneras av hur Ramsey har hanterat den åtta månader långa skadofrånvaron.
"He has dealt with it very well but he could talk much better about it than I can. Certainly he has been very down for a long period but on the outside signs he has shown he is always highly motivated and determined to work hard. It feels good to have him back because it happened one year ago basically, his injury. He had to be very patient and he must feel himself very good to be back.", säger Wenger.
Vidare säger Wenger att Ramsey inte kommer ha samma problem med skador efteråt som Eduardo som inte kunde rätta ut sin fot riktigt efter sitt benbrott. Detta gjorde att han tvingades till en andra operation. Vad Ramsey behöver i nuläget är matcher.
Arsene Wenger blev utsågs till manager of the month i februari av ligan. Fransmannen tycker det känns lite konstigt med tanke på finalförlusten mot Birmingham i Carling Cup.
"It's quite strange when you have just lost a cup final that you get Manager of the Month! It's a little bit ‘what have you done there?' But we are on a good run in the Premier League and we want to continue. We are in our best position for years now. And we can finish the job now. My award just means we are on a good run, that's all. The run that matters is now until the end of the season. So that just shows that the confidence level."
Arsenalspelarna vet hur man beter sig
Under fredagens presskonferens fick Wenger frågan om han ser något problem med spelares uppförande utanför planen. Detta med tanke på Ashley Coles prickskjutning på Chelseas träningsanläggning. Wenger tror att det snarare är så att spelarna är i fokus så mycket och när de gör ett snesteg så kavlas det ut i pressen.
“I must say I’m not concerned. First of all, at our club we have little problems like with any boys 20 to 25 years old. But overall they behave remarkably focused, I am very proud to be their manager. I believe if you take 500 young bankers, 500 young journalists between 20 to 30 you will find as much, if not much more. The problem is that we are in the public eye and if any small things happen, it’s in the newspapers. You have to deal with that. But I don’t think there is a basic, deep problem in English football on the attitude.”
Ramsey redo för comeback
Idag kan som sagt Aaron Ramsey göra comeback för Arsenal i en artikel med the Independent berättar Ramsey om hur han kände precis efter att Shawcross hade sparkat av hans ben.
"When it happened and I saw my leg, all kinds of different thoughts were going through my head. When I was on the way to the hospital, the doctor told me straight away that we would get through this, and that I would get back to where I was. That helped me feel sure this was something I could recover from. I believed in it, and the medical staff and specialists believed I was able to handle it mentally. I think I've done that.", förklarar Ramsey.
Han berättar också om att det har varit svårt att stå på sidan då han precis hade börjat få spela kontinuerligt.
"Before my injury, I was playing a lot of games for Arsenal, and I thought I was playing really well. So, it was a big blow to be told I wasn't going to play for eight or nine months. That was very hard to take."
Ryan Shawcross har ringt och lämnat meddelanden till Ramsey men walesaren känner inte för att ta emot hans ursäkt.
"I don't think he meant to break my leg, but it was a bit hard to take that he was playing again after a three-match ban, while I was out for nine months. He left a few messages on my phone, but I haven't felt able to speak to him yet."
Nasri: Arsenal kommer vinna Premier League
Arsenals kanske bästa spelare den här säsongen är Samir Nasri. Han sticker ut hakan och säger att Arsenal kommer vara Premier Leuge-vinnare i maj. Detta baserar fransmannen på att han inte ser att United har samma starka lag som tidigare år. Även mötet på Old Trafford i december tycker han visar att Arsenal har chansen.
"When we played them at Old Trafford they didn't play their normal way. They were scared. They played with three defensive midfielders and they closed the game down. They know that we can beat them. So we have more chances in the Premier League - better than United because I'm convinced of our qualities. Now we can feel we can win the Premier League."
Nasri pekar också på att United har skador i försvaret och en mycket svår bortamatch mot Liverpool imorgon vilket kan öppna för Arsenal.
"Last year at this time we were six or seven points behind Chelsea, who were so consistent. Now if we beat Sunderland we come back to within a point of United, who have to play Liverpool without Nemanja Vidic and Rio Ferdinand, who have been so strong for them in defence. So something can happen at Liverpool, because they hate each other! If we win our game in hand against Tottenham, we can be on top - and that's why I said we feel that we can win the title."
Nasri avslutar med att säga att United inte har imponerat under året. Tevez och Ronaldo är stora avbräck för dem.Reserver & Juniorer
U18 vann mot Chelsea
Arsenal tog under lördagen en övertygande seger mot Londonrivalen Chelsea med 4-1efter att Zack Ansah och Josh Rees gjort två mål var.
Källor: arsenal.com, theindependent.co.uk, skysports.com