Wenger efter Norwich
Jag tillhör de i världen som inte har varit i Norwich. Det lär vara jag och en familj från Cheltenham som heter Norris. Det lär finnas en trevlig katedral i Norwich. Har jag hört. Och en hel hög med kanariefåglar. Gula fåglar överallt. Det är så mycket kanariefåglar att det är löjigt. McDonalds heter "McCanary" och serverar Big Bird och McCanaryFeast. IKEA heter ICanaerEA. Alla åker i gula bilar och det säljs bara fågelfrö i butikerna. Löjligt således. Wenger tillhör dock dem som varit i Norwich. Igår faktiskt och sammanfattar dagen med några snabba, rappa, kvicka ord, som bara en fransman i ett stim kan göra.
Han tyckte att laget vann välförtjänt, men borde ha avgjort tidigt. Tre klara chanser inledningsvis, blev 0-1 och.."..That made the game difficult against a very dynamic Norwich side." Men han hyllar lagets moral" But backs against the wall we did very well again today, like we did at Chelsea. In the second half, once we got to 2-1 we controlled the game well and were never really in trouble. Overall it is a very positive win today. The team is growing from game to game, getting stronger and you feel there is some mental strength inside there."
Bakom honom tonar "Canary Bay" av Indochine ut och vi fortsätter med att höra vad Wenger tycker om van Persie. "Van Persie is 28, Fabregas and Nasri left at 24. My dream is that Van Persie stays until the end of his career at this Club. I will do the maximum I can to try to convince him and I hope I will manage to do that." van Persie är bland de bästa i världen just nu, menar fransmannen. "He is exceptional and he has something that you cannot give to people. Today he finished with a chip on his right foot - and I have never seen a bigger left-footed player than van Persie. He always makes the right decisions in a fraction of a second when there is little time available. That makes him exceptional."
Sedan gör vi något som Killinggänget gjorde på Berns; de driver med tyskar. Wenger talar allvar med Mertesacker om Norwich mål. "I must say I was upset with the referee at the time but I will have to check that on the television. I thought that Morison brought him down with his left hand.But I told Per that when you are in England facing goal, maybe in many countries you are safe but not here. That's what he has learned today."
Wenger blev intervjud i L'Equipe häromdagen och som vanligt så har inte brittisk press en aning om franska. De fick naturligtvis för sig att Wenger tänker säga upp sig och åka hem. Wenger kontraslår"No [I wouldn't think about quitting]. If you read [the interview in L'Equipe] you will see I said that I have two years on my contract. It was after a conversation with a journalist and he said, 'there is no way that you will ever leave is there?'. I said the only way I would consider it at the end of the season is if I didn't deliver what is expected from me. Then of course if you say you love the Club and you are below what people are expecting from you, that is the only way I will consider it." Han fortsätter att säga att han ämnar stanna kontraktet ut. I början var det flera som ville att han skulle försvinna, men han har en stark vilja. Förövrigt, menar fransmannen, att intervjun gjordes för några veckor sedan. Han säger" But I maintain that I am committed to this Club and will respect my contract until the last day - unless I feel that I am not good enough. "
Sedan ställer han sig upp; harklar sig och kör sin klassiska Dickenstolkning"I wish you could make a friend of mine, Lizzie. Do you think you could? I have no more of what they call character, my dear, than a canary-bird, but I know I am thrustworthy"..eller kanske ändå inte..
Nä..vi fortsätter med förväntningarna på laget och på honom själv. Han tittar in i kameran, rakt på journalisterna på främre raden och blänger på The Suns ohängde reporter lite extra"I have to honestly rate the quality of my work at the end of the season and think whether or not I took the maximum out of the team. You want me to say now that if we do not get into the top four I will quit. Over 15 years I have had many questions to analyse the situation in the most honest and objective way.I don't question my commitment to my contract and I think I have shown that in the past. I will do that in the future too. This is the club of my life and will remain so unless I feel I do not do well enough. I don't think that is something surprising." Det blev nästan ett klassiskt brandtal.Liknande Marcus Antonius på trappan i Capitolium efter mordet på Julius Caesar, så Wenger avslutar"I can return this question to you - what do you expect of me? We want to play football that makes Arsenal proud and that gives enjoyment to people who come and watch us.