
Wenger kommenterar West Ham-matchen

Det blåstes ohyggligt mycket bubblor i östra London denna dag. Bubblor till höger och vänster. "Forever blowing bubbles", sjöngs med strupar av brittisk karaktär inför matchen; det blev inte tystare när Diame lurade Ramsey och tryckte in 1-0 i bortre hörnet, men tystnade betänkligt när Giroud, Walcott och Cazorla avgjorde matchen. Det var en härlig rörelse centralt. Det är helt enkelt väldigt roligt att se Gunners spela boll just nu. Mertesacker är gigantisk i fyrbackslinjen just nu; Cazorla har tagit på sig Merlins hatt; Gibbs och jenkinson har lånat raketskorna och Walcott är iskall i avsluten. Wenger tjatade lite med Allardyce som han brukar göra, tittade lite vrångt på fjärdedomaren vid Ramseys straffsituation, men var på det stora hela väldigt nöjd.

Han börjar långsamt bli trött på Walcotts position på planen. Center eller inte? "He slowly gets there. You’re confident now when he gets in front of goal that he will score. Of course he scored an important one today at a moment where the game was a bit 50-50." Fast han hyllar hans moral och attityd"Theo has an outstanding attitude and I don’t rule anybody out. If I did then I would not bring him on in a crucial moment in the game. I believe in him.Gervinho looked a bit tired and Theo made the difference. He scored the second goal and that is the most important one."

Matchen var acceptabel, tyckte grodätaren. Laget gick ned sig fysiskt i andra halvlek, men det var ett viktigt test. Det var en tuff match. Man hade förväntat sig det. "We were not disappointed - a game with a lot of pace, where both teams went for it in different styles. It was a good test mentally as well, because we went 1-0 down with their first shot on goal. We came back and won this game. You could say that we had a good performance today overall."

Så fick Giroud göra mål. "In similar situations he nearly scored like that against Olympiacos on Wednesday night. He was good today. He had the physical presence and scored the goal. That will help him a lot I think to adapt very quickly.". Och han prisar Cazorla"I think he was overall a delight to watch, from the first to the last minute today. He was very influential in our team and it’s fantastic to watch him play."

Andy Carroll var som vanligt ett hot och Wenger imponeras av honom. "You never can completely control Carroll for 90 minutes. You have to fight for him and be good on the second ball. The problem with West Ham is not only Carroll, but is [also] Nolan on the second ball in the box. We could have been punished once or twice but overall we gave it all to deal well with him. He [Carroll] was really up for it I must say. He did fight from the first to the last minute."

..å med tanke på att det vankas landskamper så var segern viktig. "It was important for us to respond well and after our defeat against Chelsea, we won against Olympiacos on Wednesday night. We had a difficult game three days later and we knew today a draw was not good enough for us. We went for it. I think we could have lost it as well because Nolan had a very good chance, but we gave absolutely everything to win the game."

Men aldrig får man vara riktigt glad. Gibbs klev av efter en timme. "He has a thigh problem. He might be out for England. I believe Cole and Baines are ahead of him [in the pecking order] but it would have been a good opportunity for him to show he could have got in front of them."

Han avslutar med att prisa Bould. som han tycker gör ett bra jobb, men väljer att lyfta fram hela teamet med Banfield och Primorac, som tillsammans skapar en bra atmosfär.


Magnus Falk2012-10-06 23:48:23

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