Wenger tycker till om matchen mot Swansea
Jag hade tänkt att skriva något spetsfundigt om Svansjön och hänvisa om balett, rysk dans och Swansea, men så slog det mig att Sea betyder ju hav, å Svanhav har ju ingen rysk rock'n Roll kompositör skrivit något om. Jag hade troligtvis fått både Rudolf Nurejevs ande och Mikhail Barisjnikov på mig och jag hade tvingats in en baletttrikå och sett ut som en prinskorv i dockklänning. Inte så värst tilltalande, eller kanske ändå...
Wenger kanske hade gillat det. Han är en man som gillar mycket, men främst gillar han sina kanonjärer. Med smör på.Efter 1-0 mot Swansea så finns det mycket delade meningar och själv blir jag lätt orolig och irriterad över alla kommentarer om "det funkar inte längre"; "Wenger has lost the plot"; "vi måste spela snabbare" etc..å jag blir så trött. 2-8 mot United glömmer vi bort direkt, naturligtvis, men tre poäng mot Swansea är det absolut viktigaste. Tre viktiga poäng och Wenger håller med "It was vital for us to win the game. I think we started quite well but slowly the nerves took over. We played with the handbrake on and were restrictive in the second half. It is not often that we pass the ball back to our goalkeeper when we are at halfway. You could see in the second half that we just wanted to get over the line and we didn't make a mistake. ??Swansea make it difficult for you because they keep the ball well and on the wings they are very quick. Overall they have the basics of a very good Premier League team but they just can’t score at the moment."
Naturligtvis var det stora ögon på debutanterna. Den unge Park och André Santos var felfria på bänken tyckte jag. Wenger fokuserad mer på sina killar på planen och sade "Mertesacker was calm and composed - he just needs to adapt to the pace of the game. He looks very intelligent in his positioning.?? Arteta played very well, especially in the first half. In the second half it was more difficult for him but you can see he will give us some technical security that this team needs and he wants to play like we play. Benayoun brought us something when he came on because he was mobile, he was dynamic and he did well."
Wenger fokuserade dock mer på känslan och stämningen i laget efter den tröga starten. Han tyckte att det var en bra känsla i laget och att laget spelade väl trots att man saknade Gervinho, Diaby, Wilshere, Vermaelen och Song. Det visar på lagets djup." Today, look at the bench I had and I still didn’t have Song or Gervinho. We have a big squad."
Om matchen så tyckte han att det var ett turmål, men att Arshavin är på gång"Arshavin has a very good spirit. He had lost confidence but he has a good attitude in training and a good spirit. People think that he doesn’t care but that is not true at all. He cares very much and he had just lost confidence. You could see that he was himself again today."
Han avslutar med att kommentera den högst osannolike kaptenen Chamakh, som bar kaptensbindeln sista tio minuterna. "He could find anybody! I told him to keep it, what does it matter for the last 10 minutes. Vermaelen is the vice-captain but it was difficult to find him!"
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