Finaluppladdning V: Flamster kan ta titel 3

Finaluppladdning V: Flamster kan ta titel 3

Flamini vill ha en trippel

Det låter konstigt.
Mathieu Flamini kan med seger mot Aston Villa bli en av våra mest medaljerade FA-cup-spelare.
Så är det.
Det finns de som har fyra segrar: Vieira, Seaman, Bergkamp, Parlour.
Sedan finns det en hög med spelare som har tre. Bara ikoner och så Ashley Cole. Skall man nu addera Mathieu Flamini också. Ett träben och en nötare? Känns lite underligt, men så är det.
Flamster är dock beredd"For us to go another year to Wembley and to have the opportunity to win it again of course is a lot of pleasure.We have more experience and we have to make sure we at least try not to make the same mistakes as we did last year.We all agree it was a nightmare but we have more experience. We make sure to learn from our mistakes and not to do it again because we made it very difficult for ourselves last year. We will try to make it more simple and easier.It was a difficult situation going many years without winning a trophy for such a big club. It went well and we finally won the FA Cup. This year we have the possibility to do it again. There’s less pressure this year but we really want to do well and to confirm we are a team with a lot of quality.

Han har dock inte spelat så mycket på sistone på grund av en viss Coquelins frammarsch. Men fransmannen ser framåt. han kan inte gärna göra mycket annat. han är bara 31 år gammal och har väl i alla fall fyra-fem år kvar på scenen. "When the team is winning there is not much to say, except working hard and trying to prove every day you can get back in the team.It's a situation I accept.Competition makes you better, but there's not much to say when the team is winning every single game. You just have to accept it and it's part of the game. I'm looking forward.”

Magnus Falk2015-05-30 06:00:00

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