
"Hands up"?

Eller inte.
Ja, såg man hur Erik Niva troligtvis knöt sin hand, svalde stenhårt och var allmänt ilsken i går eftermiddag, så var Gunners mål en extremt hård nöt att knäcka.
Man kan notera tre stycken klockrena frågetecken
- Tiden
- Hands
- Offside

Alla tre studsade Gunners väg i en tid som brukar kallas för "Fergie Time".

Var tiden ute? Jo, det var den väl, men oftast brukar domarna släppa på en fast situation och det är sällan de blåser när bollen är i luften på en hörna. Skulle han blåst, så innan hörnan.
Var det hands? Att den träffade handen är klockrent. Hade han blåst för hands om detta skeende hade varit mitt ute på plan. Det låter jag vara osagt. Bollen söker handen, inte tvärtom. Han kan gärna inte gömma handen.
Var det offside? Jo, men det var det. han står ju en halvmeter framför Ox när bollen kommer, så det kändes som offside.
Missade domaren alla tre? Absolut. Och Gunners vann.
Frågetecken rasar från intressenter. Burnleys Sean Dyche sade "You have to question the time and whether their corner should be taken, and you have to question whether its hand ball because it looks it.There were a number of question marks and it’s a poor way to end a game. I thought it was over the allotted time.Only by six seconds or so, bit that’s enough to blow a whistle. The second point is we didn’t defend it as well as we should do, and the third point is it comes off their player. Is he offside? If he’s not, then Koscielny handballs it in. If I was a referee, I was certainly be thinking that’s not a great moment.”

Om man kollar vad Gunners säger, så menade Chamberlain" I think it’s hit both of us at some point but it doesn’t really matter. The important thing is we managed to squeeze that in at the end and that’s one of the biggest wins we’ll have this season, I’m sure.". Om man tittar på om den träffade handen eller inte, så säger ju Koscielny det mest politiska" I don’t know. I tried to smash the ball with my foot and after I don’t see where the ball is going so I don’t know if I touched the ball with my hand. But the ref gave to us the goal and we need to respect the decision."

Fast ju längre tid det gick, desto mer osäkerhet inkom , menade Chamberlain, men det viktiga var att inte få panik."You start, I wouldn’t say panicking, but you know the outcome needs to be a goal soon and you start playing a little bit differently. We always try, no matter what, to play the same way, we tried to do that today. At the end we went a little bit more direct and in the end it paid off with the cross into the box and one of us two sneaking it in at the back post, so it was a tough game and credit to them, they defended really well. They played to their strengths and made it really hard for us but we’re delighted with the three points in the end."

Lite godis på det.   

Magnus Falk2016-10-03 12:45:00

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