Kieran Tierney förlänger kontraktet

Kieran Tierney förlänger kontraktet

Kieran Tierney hade ett kontrakt sedan rtidigare som löpte till 2023, men nu har Arsenal och skotten kommit överens om ett nytt kontrakt som tar honom till och med 2026. Naturligtvis med bättre villkor och som Arsenal-fan är man nöjd och glad över att han trivs i klubben och vi ser fram emot ytterligare utflyfkter på kanterna, 
Tierney säger "It feels amazing,Firstly, when the manager came to me and said, 'We want you to extend your deal, we're so happy with how you've come along' it was just amazing for me to hear because I've worked hard since I joined. 
"I had a hard first season with injuries and COVID, but last season it really picked up for me, and the club have been brilliant with me, so I am more than happy to extend it. I'm absolutely delighted. 
"I think the vision of the club, where it wants to go, and the expectations of the club [are why I signed[. Where I want to be in football is at the top. There's no doubt about it, we're not where we want to be just now, but we're going in the right direction. 
"The way the club is run from the inside is amazing. I love everyone. I love all of the staff, I love all of the players, I love the manager and just working with them is an absolute joy. Being happy in life speaks for a lot and I am happy, so I was more than happy to commit my future [to the club]." (från

Magnus Falk2021-06-26 14:54:43

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