Morgonens Arsenal : 20 maj 2014: Starten på "La belle Epoque"

Morgonens Arsenal : 20 maj 2014: Starten på "La belle Epoque"

Naturligtvis snurrar Kents "la Belle Epoque" på Spotify-Listan. En fantastiskt underbar Jocke Berg-dänga, som bara gled rakt in och satte sig på nervcentralen och vad är inte bättre än att låta denna symbolisera starten på det som ägde rum 17 Maj 2014. Starten på något nytt. När Ramsey drog in 3-2 vid stolpen försvann man in i ett inre vacuum, och hur man än lyckas att skrika, vråla och hoppa runt, så går det inte att uttrycka den enorma extas av känslor som uppstår. Min game Professor Ernst från Freiburger Universität sade det så fint till mig "Herr Falk, Es geht um das Gefühl". han ritade en rutn ring på tavlan och så pekade han i mitten av denna cirkel, utanför lager av andra kä det träffar dig där - mitt i "Bull's Eye", då går det inte att rubba, då är det ogenomträngligt och känslorna styr vad du gör. "Gefühl, Herr Falk".
Vi har sett bilderna på paraden, vi ha sett glimtar av ceremonin och jublet på stadion. Pires vad inne och firade med grabbarna på stadion och på paraden i Islington så blottlades hjärtat. Igen. Wilshere talade till folket "What is Tittenham?" och hela Norra London inklusive deras egna fans - i vrist på bättre vetande - svarade "Shiiiit". Varpå Wilshere följde upp med "What is Shiiit"? och alla svarade "Tottenham. Glädjen är stor och himlavalvet har öppnat sig.
Låt mig i dessa glädjens tider samla ihop några av de mest uppseendeveckande kommentarerna från paraden.

Aaron Ramsey - som avgjorde matche och som för evigt är inhissad i Arsenal's historia som cuphjälte säger ""I had a few rash shots but I think I made up for it in the end.It was a great lay-off [from Giroud], I shouted for it and he back-heeled it. The goalkeeper has a lot less time to react when you finish it first time. It was the most important goal of my time here. I've been really pleased with my form this year. I wouldn't have been able to do it without my team-mates but I'm just a bit gutted that I got injured. I'm just delighted to come back, make a big impact in a game and win the FA Cup."
Sedan nämner han att han har en härlig sommar att se fram emot, då han skall gifta sig, softa lite och sedan ta det lugnt i nför nästa säsong.

Alla vet att kaptensbindeln hos Gunners innebär att man förr eller senare blir såld eller hamnar på bänken. Det finns någon form av "Chip" i den som säger "You must leave the Club" och den genomsyrar hela kroppen. Thomas Vermaelen har genomgått denna intressanta förvandling och har nu suttit på bänken större delen av året och gjorde även så när han såg finalen. Men det var en veritabel pärs. "There has been a lot of talking about not winning for a long time but next year the pressure will be there again to win things.hat's what the people expect from us, the club expect from us, the fans expect so of course it will give us a boost and a lot of confidence over the next few years.It was unbelievable. When you're on the bench it's even worse. When you are playing, you are focused on the game. When you are on the bench you have a lot of nerves because you can't do anything. "
Han sammanfattar "That's what you're working for, to lift trophies. It was a long game and a long day but it was all worth it."

Inte alla harde det enkelt på FA-Cup Final dagen. Theo Walcott var exempelvis inte på Wembleý utan skötte allt via sin telefon. orsaken var att hans minste grabb var sjuk och var på sjukhuset, så Walcott lade sina timmar där. Sonen har dock frisknat till och Walcott kunde vara med på paraden.. "I saw Carl Jenkinson on his phone on the TV footage and thought I'd try and call him. He managed to FaceTime me back with the guys and then it went to the cameraman. It was me in response on my own at my home with Mel and Finley. I probably woke up little Finley but it was a great moment and it really meant a lot.I've had a pretty tough few weeks.My little boy was in hospital and I missed the game but I managed to FaceTime Carl afterwards. It was still a great day, and my boy is great now, thank God. It means the world to be here [at the parade] today and to celebrate with these guys. It's fantastic.

Den långe och väldige BFG, a.k.a Per Mertesacker var överväldigad efter paraden och menade att det är sådana saker man återkommer till. "The targets for any football player is to get this atmosphere, to smell this atmosphere.It's my first time in England and we have to enjoy it but it's going to be a great ambition to come back here one day."At one stage it's enjoyable to be here and it's a happy day for the fans and all the players together. It gives us more confidence to create more of that.That's what I've learned very quickly that Arsenal is very big, internationally but here in Islington as well. We are very proud to present something today here to those fabulous fans."
Däremot sade han ingenting om vad han gjorde när han inte fick  ihop sina 3,20 långa ben i förlängningen och stöp som en giraff på högersidan.

Olivier Giroud menade att laget har en bra mix och får in ordet "Alchemy" i sitt ordförråd.. "It's amazing to win a trophy. It's a part of the story of Arsenal - it's really important and I'm really proud to have [won] this trophy. Hopefully next year and in the following years, we will have more.We have a really good squad. I believe we have a good chance to have some great seasons.I think Arsenal is a melting pot with a lot of nationalities. We have a good alchemy and the boss has always believed in us and trusted in the squad. We want to dedicate the trophy to him as well as all our fans."

Å Mikel Arteta, som efter triumfen var mer intresserad av att se om frisyren låg bra..sade "We had some difficult years and it took a while to build this team and this spirit but I think yesterday was the best example of what it means for us and how much we want it. It's for everyone to deserve - especially for the fans because they've been terrific through the year again. Now it's time to enjoy it - that's what we fight for and we've got the first trophy for years."

Klubbens VD Ivan Gazidis smålog med hela ansiktet och menade att “I think we went through all the range of emotions. We've probably lived 1,000 lives and I can tell you that to come through that with the strength of character and discipline the players showed was really encouraging.We have a good platform to build on - today's a great day for us to celebrate and we should do that as the Arsenal family.But tomorrow we start work again and we've got to use this to progress the club, to take it forward. This was a very big step, to have the players understand what it takes to come through that kind of adversity, to get over the line whatever it took is a big step and now we need to take the next step."
Gazidis menade att säsongen är fantastisk, då man bara är sju pinnar ifrån en dubbel. Något att bygga på. Sedan hyllar han Wenger, som lyfter FA-cupen för femte gången. Mest av alla. "I thought it was a great day for Arsène..He's been through a lot and you can see that he lives this club - you can see how much he loves it and how much it means to him.To see him soaking wet and getting thrown up in the air - he was probably a bit nervous about that - but it was fantastic, it was really great.”

Å Jack Wilshere personifierar Arsenal-´hjärtat och menar "It's hard to put into words.I won the Youth Cup with the youth team but that's nothing like this."We've worked hard for the last six, seven years and we haven't won anything for nine years. The boss has been working hard but most of all [it's for] the fans. They come every week, they fill the Emirates and give us that force in Europe.I think it does [mean so much] for the players like Chambo, Kieran, Carl, we're Arsenal people, we've grown up at Arsenal and to finally get that [trophy] is a dream come true.I grew up in the under-nines wanting to get into the first team to win trophies, and today it's happened." avslutar med att låta Wenger berätta om vad han tyckte om matchen.."I had a funny feeling not to go to penalties.I tried desperately not to go to penalties because I did not have many players on the pitch who were specialists at it. I tried to go for it before the end.“It paid off but we had a horrible feeling for a long time in the game and in the end it was a relief. The job is how it finishes, all the rest nobody cares.". Han menade att bytet av cazorla var modigt eftersom han var en klockren straffskytt. Özil, var inte på listan, inte Jack eller Rosicky heller. Giroud hade kranp och Gibbs hade sträckt sig..


Magnus Falk2014-05-20 06:10:00

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