Ramsey om målet
Jamen du skojar. När nu Wenström och de andra hade samlat ihop delar av höstens Champions league-säsong, så väljer de Benzemas mål? Troligtvis hade man klippt ihop detta inslag innan Ramseys mål. Det går ju inte att upprepa.
Vilket jävla skott och som Magnus Pehrsson sade - att få till den svingen, på uppstuds, halvvolley och jisses.
Som gammal artillerist så vill man ta fram brisad, knallskott eller bataljonsmäll ur vokabuläret, men vi väljer ordet Torshammare. En jävla åskvigg.
Ett av topp fem i Gunners historia, - som jag sett i alla fall - och Walesaren Ramsey var inte helt onöjd han heller.
Han säger "The ball came to the edge of the box and I thought, ‘why not have a go?’,So I had a go and thankfully it went in. It’s up there with the best I’ve ever scored but I still really like the goal against Norwich City.“We looked dangerous every time we went forward tonight which is pleasing. We scored a few goals which is always nice and we took advantage of the opportunities. It was nice to get the four goals that we scored."
Han fortsätter med att sammanfatta matchen med orden "We came here with a few players making their first-team debuts and they did great. It was nice to come here and nearly come away with what we needed to do to finish top. It wasn’t to be but we finished off strongly." och imponerades av 17åringarna"It was really nice to see some of the 17-year-olds making their debuts and I was really pleased for them. This club is all about promoting younger players with talent and we’ve done that again tonight.”
Å här är det.