Vad sade Emery efter matchen?
Så satt han där. Jag undrar om han har snott Artetas pomada-burk. Hur länge står han framför spegeln och gör back-slick? Har han färgat håret? Blåser håret åt höger eller vänster när han cyklar. Hänger det nedåt när han gör en flick-flack över Emirates gräsmatta?
Frågorna är många.
Men spanjoren Unai Emery satt där på podiumet och ittade på den lystna journalistkåren efter 2-2 mot Manchester United. Det var en match som svängde, men där Gunners borde ha avgjort med Aubameyangs läge och Mkhitariyans läge framför mål, men de Gea är en keeper av hög kvalitet, så det blev 2-2. Jo jag vet att Mkhitariyan sköt över.
Vad tyckte spanjoren om livet?
Jo först och främst är han en ganska enkel människa att intervjua. Det kommer väldigt enkla och bra svar på frågorna och sällan något kontroversiellt. Han tyckte möjligtvis att Gunners låg närnare segern. Han var nöjd med lagets insats, men såg att de Gea gjorde några fantastiska insatser.
Det som bekymrade honom efter matchen var Rob Holding. "The worst for us today was the news with Rob Holding. We are going to wait for what the doctor tells us but it is maybe a big injury. We are going to wait, it is his knee. " Men även Ramsey oroar, även fast det är en minimal skada. Han ger dock laget "cred för insatsen " After the two injuries, every player played with good commitment and mentality to keep the performance [going] in a difficult moment and we could not control the game like we wanted for the 90 minutes, but for the second half it give us confidence this draw. It is not the best, but it is not the worst and I think if we win on Saturday, it is a positive. I say to the players that we need to finish this week, but first is a good rest because the players finished very tired, and that is normal after Sunday's game against Tottenham and today, because they were very demanding on us physically."
Sedan försöker journalisterna locka ur honom ord om offside eller Rojos möjliga utvisning, men han parerar det snyggt med att säga" ...when VAR comes in, you can't equalise something like this, it is difficult decision for the referee. Sometimes it is for us, sometimes it is for the opposition. But I think the referee's decision was not [decisive] for the result. I think we controlled the game and if one team deserved to win I think we did more." När det gäller Rojo, så respekterar han domarens beslut" Usually, it’s difficult for the referee. I am over here and the referees have a lot of personality. I respect them a lot, and their decisions. If that’s their decision then it’s OK with me. They can also make mistakes sometimes, but I think he was fair to both teams. In the tactical analysis of the 90 minutes, I think we improved a lot in the 90 minutes and in the second half, I think we were better than them. But we know that we can do better and if we play like that on Saturday against Huddersfield, we will win three more points."
Framför allt gillar Emery lagets laganda. "Away, our challenge is against a team like Manchester United and today that was probably the best point. We were playing against a very competitive team and I think our spirit is good. We got up after conceding twice in the 90 minutes and we tried to find the victory every time. I think this is our spirit. Usually United create a lot of chances here, and I don’t think we conceded a lot of chances. For us, for our confidence, our level in the competition and our way, I think we can think very positively."
Det verkar vara en rätt trevlig gubbe, denna Emery. Kan man bjuda in honom till jul? .