
Xhaka ny kapten

Kaptensbindeln hos Gunners har alltid varit en mäktig ära. Tyvärr har bindeln de senaste åren varit förknippad med omedelbar exit. Efter Cesc Fabregas så har van Persie, Vermaelen, Arteta, Mertesacker och Koscielny varit kaptener. Ingen av dessa var självskrivna i startelvan och alla utom Mertesacker lämnade klubben rätt snabbt och BFG slutade. Nu har Emery tänkt till och utnämner Granit Xhaka till kapten, Schweizaren verkar i Emerys ögon vara självklar, men i fansens ögon är det inte så. Med Ceballos, Willock, Torreira och Guendozi omkring så finns det alternativ. Nu väljs Xhaka och man kan gilla eller ogilla det. Vi får stötta gossen, sjunga ”Captain, my Captain” och hoppas att Xhaka blir en reinkarnerad Tony Adams.

Nedan.. citat från Emery om varför just Xhaka. 

“First, he is mature and he has experience and we are all living all the time under pressure, under criticism as coaches, as players, as a club,” our head coach said. “The most important thing is to stand up in each moment, go ahead and [for him] to show his quality, with his behaviour, with his commitment and in the dressing room the players voted for him as the first. 

“After, I spoke with him and we want to change that opinion outside because that respect that he has inside the dressing room is very, very important. And also keep moving ahead, playing, improving, and with behaviour, and his commitment. Each match for him, for me, for everybody, is a very good opportunity to show our capacity. 

“I trust and believe in him and he is a good man, a good professional and a good player. Sometimes he has made a mistake, yes, but the most important thing is to analyse, to learn and to correct that in the future. 

“His challenge, and our challenge, is to change that opinion and above all, show personality and improve in each match and give us his help every time. The first match is on Monday at Manchester United.”

Magnus Falk2019-09-28 14:39:44

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