
Supporterklubben i News & Record!

Den svenska supporterklubben presenterades i Aston Villa officiella matchprogrammet den 28 augusti.

Som alla medlemmar i Aston Villa Supporters´ Club Sweden vet presenterades vi i en kortare artikel i matchprogrammet förra veckan. Artikeln publiceras nedan i sin helhet. Förutom texten var supporterklubbens logga med i programmet.

Tyvärr var artikeln betydligt kortare än vad vi hoppats på och den text vi skickat in var minst sagt rumphuggen och dessutom rejält omskriven. De hade också missat att skriva ut vår webbadress. Vi ska dock vara tacksamma att vi fick en förfrågan att vara med i ett av Englands mest anrika matchprogram. Det viktiga är ändå att vi presenteras. På onsdag kommer vår medlem Stein Carlsson med i matchprogrammet mot Charlton där han berättar Villaminnen.

Artikel citerad från Aston Villa news & record, 28 augusti 2002:


The inclusion of Olof Mellberg and Marcus Allbäck in the squad has understandably boosted interest in Villa in Sweden, where a thriving Supporters Club now exists.

The club has been growing steadily since its formation last year and now boasts a membership of 85. In march, the club held its first annual meeting, when Johan Nilsson was appointed as chairman and Hans Fagerlin and Tobias Schuttman as committee members. There is also a website which attracts over 500 visitors every day and features news from Villa park – courtesy of Holte End season ticket holder Michael Hurley – along with interviews with Mellberg and Allbäck, who have been only too happy to co-operate with the new venture.

"Michael and Mike Sanford helped us start the club and we made them honorary members at our annual meeting, along with Olof" said Johan. "I can promise you that Marcus will also become an honorary member att next year´s AGM."

Many of the club´s members already come to Villa matches, but this season they plan to travel as a group. Look out for them in their AVSC Sweden T-shirts and badges!

Fotnot. Supporterklubben har idag 95 medlemmar.

Hans Fagerlin2002-09-05 00:12:00

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