Gower har fina minnen av Barnet
Swanseas mittfältare Mark Gower har ett förflutet i Barnet FC och har goda minnen från tiden på Underhill.
Det är på Swanseas officiella hemsida som Mark Gower öppnar upp och berättar lite om tiden i Barnet. Han anslöt till the Bees i januari 2001 efter att George Graham inte velat behålla 22-åringen i Tottenham. Så här säger han till siten:
"When I signed for Barnet there was just three months of the season left. They had a battle on their hands to avoid relegation, but I felt they would stay up."
"It didn't turn out that way though and we were relegated at the end of the season."
Om tiden i Conference säger han så här:
"It toughened me up and seeing the other side encouraged me to dig deep and get back to where it all started."
Gower avslutar:
"In fairness to Barnet they were very good to me, even paying a transfer fee for me (£32,500). I certainly haven't got any complaints about my time there because Barnet got me back on track."
"I'm glad they eventually got back into the Football League and I still look out for their results every week."
Återstår att se vad han säger efter kvällens match!