O'Flynn vill högre

O'Flynn vill högre

Igår nobbade Barnets anfallare John O'Flynn en övergång till Shrewsbury och här kommer en förklaring.

Transferfönstret stängde igår under dramatiska former där irländaren John O'Flynn avböjde en övergång till ligakonkurrenten Shrewsbury. Det var ett nej tack som ställde till det både för Barnet och Shrewsbury som hade dåligt med Plan B. Shrewsburys manager Paul Simpson var uppgiven när han pratade med klubbens hemsida:

"It's been ongoing for weeks now. I even enquired about John O'Flynn last season to try and partner him with Grant Holt. We enquired again in the summer and again in this window."

"Things have moved along, we got to a point where we agreed terms with the player and a fee with Barnet but John O'Flynn decided he wouldn't leave for any other club in League Two. He believes he can go to the Championship or League One."

"We then got to a point where we talked about doing a loan and he said he would love to come and play for us on loan until the end of the season but he wanted to keep himself available as a free agent."

"So we tried to agree a deal with Barnet to do a loan but they decided they didn't want it and that's the way it goes. We can't do anything about it now. We've done all we can, we couldn't have done any more."

Noterbart i denna fråga är att John O'Flynn inte gjort mål sedan november och åkt in och ut i Barnets startelva. Kan bli en intressant sommar...

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2010-02-02 19:15:00

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