<i>"At Barnet Football Club we are loyal"</i>

"At Barnet Football Club we are loyal"

Paul Fairclough förklarar situationen kring Lawrie Sanchez och förstår även dennes frustration över att få sparken.

Igår fick Lawrie Sanchez gå efter svaga resultat under våren och han ersattes av Martin Allen och Paul Fairclough som tillsammans ska se till att Barnet FC stannar i Football League. Sanchez var så klart inte nöjd och gick hårt åt Barnet FC så idag svarar Paul Fairclough, lika klokt som vanligt, till Barnet Times:
"It is always difficult when it comes to anybody losing their job. It is a horrible thing and it’s not nice. I have been there myself and you always believe as a manager, because that’s the way we are built, that we can turn the darkest situation around.
The fact of the matter is, whilst the football team recently have been playing very well, we have not been getting anything out of it. We have not been getting sufficient points. We have had one win in 16 and I think Lawrie picked up seven points out of 49.
Manager’s are always disappointed when they leave a football club. There are always knee-jerk reactions. Lawrie Sanchez is a very intelligent person and what I would say is I can understand Lawrie feeling upset about it.
I don’t feel it has got anything to do with Lawrie who we bring in but I understand why he feels upset that he wasn’t able to stay in there and finish what he felt he could finish. But we felt we had to make a decision and that’s why we have done what we are done."
Han fortsätter sedan och förklarar klubbens inställning till det hela:
"At Barnet Football Club we are loyal. It is often interpreted as being lackadaisical, careless and even the word lazy has been used.
It’s quite the opposite. It is being prepared to give people chances, being prepared to support them and being prepared to help them.
And that’s why I believe any other manager at any other football club would probably have lost his job many weeks ago.
That’s what I want to make clear to supporters. It’s not a case of us not being proactive, it is a case of us really wanting the manager to succeed, trying to support him and have a little bit of hope as well.
We just feel that while Lawire had the team playing well, and I’m sure there is an element of luck in it because we battered Crawley but lost, for some reason we have not been winning. We weren’t prepared to take that chance any further."

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2012-04-17 16:20:00

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