
Miniturnering på gång i Påsk

Det ser ut att bli en rolig förmiddag på Långfredagen för de som följer med på Supporterresan i vår.

Planeringen för årets Supporterresa pågår för fullt och här följer de senaste detaljerna kring den fotbollsturnering som kommer hållas på fredagens förmiddag, före Barnets match mot Dag & Red:

  • the games will take place on the pitches behind Underhill
  • they are planned to take place in the morning and be finished by about 12.30 - giving enough time in the Pavilion before the 1st team kick off against Dagenham
  • they will be short duration (e.g. 10 mins each way)
  • the tournament will be on a knock-out basis
  • the winners will be awarded with the prestigious "Village" Cup
  • the presentation will be after the Dagenham game in the Durham suite (hopefully by a member or player-manager of the current 1st team - TBC)
  • no teams from Luton or Enfailed need apply

Det hela görs under vänskapliga och glada former, där till exempel detta även gäller:

Currently we are expecting one (maybe two) teams from Sweden, there is a USA team and interest has also been expressed from Australia and - pending international clearance - possibly also a team from Israel.

Please enter a team if you can. To qualify to represent a country you just need to follow the same rules that Tony Cascarino did when he represented Ireland. As an example, if someone you know once went to Magaluf then you are eligible to play for Spain. If you've bought red wine in the Tesco's New World Wine section you could represent Chile, New Zealand or even Argentina. You get the picture.

Se till att boka in er nu och hör av er med erat deltagande så ska vi se till att det blir Sweden I mot Sweden II i finalen!

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2013-01-23 14:00:00

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