
Sanchez vill låna flera spelare

Barnets manager Lawrie Sanchez vill förstärka truppen med tre eller fyra spelare och passar även på att såga fjolårets lån från Chelsea, Sam Walker.

Barnets tragiska läge i botten av League Two får nu Lawrie Sanchez att börja rycka i trådarna på lånemarknaden. Han vill ha in tre eller fyra spelare som direkt kan höja kvaliteten men säger till Barnet Times att det finns problem:
"We have been talking about getting players in and we have been looking but the problem is at this level you get offered first year pros at other clubs, like Sam Walker last year."
Han fortsätter därefter med att inte direkt hylla den sistnämndes insats förra säsongen:
"In the four games I was here for last season I think he was responsible for around three of the goals that were conceded.
Too be fair to him he is now at Northampton and doing well but he learnt his trade with us last season."
Till samma tidning fortsätter han att förklara läget:
"The other option is to get a more experienced player who, for one reason or another, are not getting games like Gary Borrowdale.
Now the problem with that is trying to afford their wages. The wage-bill here is not fantastic and £1,000 in football does not go very far for an experienced player.
Gary is only here because QPR have literally done us a favour. So we now need to see if any other clubs will do that for us by maybe perhaps letting us take a player who is not getting games or who is returning from injury.
So we will persevere and we have been trying. But over the next ten days we will have to bring in maybe three of four players in."

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2011-10-28 17:00:00

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