Barnet vände spelarbussen - plockade upp fans
När supporterbussen gick sönder under hemresan från Accrington i lördags bestämde sig Edgar Davids för att utnyttja spelarbussen på ett innovativt vis.
Barnet åkte på en blytung förlust borta mot Accrington i lördags. Det blev inte roligare för de resande Barnet-supportrarna när man skulle hem till London. Bussen gick sönder och man blev stående på motorvägen mitt i England en lördagkväll. Edgar Davids bjussade dock på ordentligt med klubbkänsla och supportern Nik som var med berättar historien:
"For those who haven't heard the story, yesterday those supporters who travel on the coach got a reminder of what it means to be part of the Barnet family.
So there were about 36 people on the coach. After having to wait for some stragglers (me) the coach departed ok in the morning. Fish and chips and a pint at Hebden Bridge was very civilised and it didn't even rain. Not much point talking about the game as that's been well documented here and everywhere else - but to sum up we commit hari kiri in the first half and gift three goals. We play well in the 2nd but don't get the breaks. Jenkins scores a screamer. Gambin, Johnson and Beattie are all excellent. Davids is sent off because the ref and his lino are swayed by the crowd and their bench and it looks like a very long drive home.
That drive looks even longer when - just after junction 28 on the M6 the coach gives up the ghost and glides onto the hard shoulder. The gearbox is "a bit Jon Fortune" - well and truly knackered. 36 Bees fans of all ages waiting on the hard shoulder at 6.00 at night with no clue as to when the coach might get fixed and even less as to how we're going to get home. Fortunately it's not raining but Junction 28 of the M6 is not a warm place.
Spirits are kept up, food gets passed round, the Wales -England rugby filters through on the radio and then the players bus drives past. They see us and hoot as they go past."Great" we think "they could have stopped to see if we're ok or something". Next thing we hear is that - Edgar Davids has asked the driver to drop the players and himself off at the next service station and then come back and pick us up and bring us back to the services so we can wait for a replacement coach in the warm.
Another 20 mins of waiting and we see the bus come back up and stops by us. Everybody gets on. The first people on sit at the table where our number 38 had clearly been sitting - there are some birthday cards addressed to him still there. The coach is warm and very, very plush. It takes us to the services where the players have been treating their bodies like temples at Burger King and sampling the other limited delights of a northern service station.
To a man they are friendly, talk to the fans, pose for photos and wish us all the best. Then they get back on their bus. Our replacement bus arrives and 11.15pm we're back in Barnet.
You can follow the plastic Premiership as much as you like - but a day like that only happens at Barnet. COYB"