Dani López tillbaka på lån

Dani López tillbaka på lån

Spanjoren har skrivit på för resten av säsongen.

Barnet-spelarna fick sig en glad överraskning under torsdagens förmiddagsträning. Från ingenstans kom Dani López springande! Mannen som gjorde det sista hattricket på Underhill lånas alltså in för tredje gången på ett år.

López återvände till Stevenage häromveckan efter tre skadefyllda månader hos Barnet, som dock avslutades på bästa sätt med ett matchavgörande och sanslöst snyggt mål mot Alfreton. Sedan dess har Tony Kleanthous legat på den gamla rivalen om ett nytt låneavtal, medan huvudpersonen själv fått träna med Stevenages ungdomslag.

Paul Fairclough om värvningen:

“We have reacted quickly to support [Landvreugd and Schreuder] by securing the services of loan favourite Danny Lopez (sic). Chairman Tony Kleanthous had never given up on Danny returning when his loan came to an end. Despite all the hurdles put in front of him he has managed to secure Danny for the rest of the season. Danny fits the style of football and the sheer quality of his last goal for us will remain as a high point of this season.”

Uli Landvreugd tackar och tar emot:

“It’s a great boost, and it’s also a good boost that the chairman gives us this opportunity. We’re very pleased that he could arrange that. It was hard to bring him in but he did it, and this is a big compliment for the chairman.

“Dani has some special qualities. Unfortunately he was a long time injured when he was here. Fitness-wise he’s not at his top, but still he’s good enough to bring us something extra and I think we will see more from him in the coming games when he gets fitter and fitter.”

Välkommen tillbaka!


Markus Eyjolfsson2014-01-25 06:30:00

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