Fairclough kliver åt sidan - Landvreugd & Schreuder tar vid
Fortsatt holländskt på Barnets tränarbänk.
Det blev bara en match med Paul Fairclough vid rodret den här gången. Under gårdagen kom beskedet att Fairclough lämnar över caretakerposten till Edgar Davids båda vapendragare, Uli Landvreugd och Dick Schreuder.
Ulrich Landvreugd kom till Barnet i oktober 2012 som assisterande åt Davids och Robson. Sedan degraderingen till Conference har han i stort sett delat på ansvaret tillsammans med Davids och tagit på sig sådant som denne inte känt sig hugad för, så någon större omställning lär det inte bli för den gode Uli.
Jan-Dirk Schreuder anslöt i somras som ”Head of coaching” efter sex år som tränare för SDV Barneveld från hemstaden. Därifrån tog han med sig målspottaren Marciano Mengerink, som för närvarande är holländarnas representant i sjukstugan.
Att radarparet nu får fortsatt förtroende kommer kanske inte att resultera i några större förändringar i laguttagningar och spelsätt, men vi önskar dem såklart all lycka till i uppdraget.
I dag kommenterade Paul Fairclough rockaderna i lagledningen på barnetfc.com:
“After the defeat at Chester and the Departure of Edgar Davids it was important that we very quickly established the temperature in the changing room. During a very emotional and confidential meeting with the players on Sunday it was very clear and quite unanimous that the group enjoyed the type of football they had been coached to play and furthermore, respected Ulrich and Dick both as coaches and as people.
“Equipped with those facts I was able to immerse myself with the squad for a couple of days. My normal role is to oversee football at the club and not interfere with coaching sessions, tactics etc. However, on this occasion I was able to get a real in depth feel of the squad.
“The one and only training session I was involved in on Monday blew me away. The passion, commitment, desire, energy and ability was clear before my eyes. On drawing the players together at the end of the session it was quite evident that it was the norm for their training sessions!
“However, what went on [on] the pitch against Aldershot and indeed Chester bore no resemblance to the exhilarating training session. The ‘extra’ bit I added involved changing a few personnel and also tweaking the shape of the side. Whilst the players were fuelled and raring to go before kick-off, I feel the changes had an adverse effect on the team manifesting in a shockingly under par performance. (…)
“Consequently, Dick and Uli will be given some further time to demonstrate they can develop a plan B, and C if needed. Also, to turn the attractive football into winning football. Complete with analyst Omar Yabroudi, they are an extremely knowledgeable, intelligent, hardworking and likeable team. They deserve the opportunity.”