<i>I’ll be looking forward to seeing that famous yellow and black strip at Fratton Park</i>
Linvoy Primus, här i blått, men en gång i black 'n amber.

I’ll be looking forward to seeing that famous yellow and black strip at Fratton Park

Premier League-veteranen Linvoy Primus ser fram emot en speciell match på Fratton Park då Barnet tar sig an Portsmouth i Ligacupen.

Linvoy Primus var stabil mittback för Portsmouth under många år i Premier League. Han gjorde närmare 200 matcher innan han på grund av en knäskada tvingades avsluta karriären 2009. Det många kanske inte känner till är att genombrottet kom i Barnet under mitten av 1990-talet.
Primus var del i en fin generation för Barnet med spelare som Maik Taylor, Dougie Freedman och Sean Devine. Han såldes vidare till Reading innan han hamnade på den engelska sydkusten i Portsmouth. Därför är mötet mellan klubbarna speciellt för den gode Linvoy:
 "I’ll be looking forward to seeing that famous yellow and black strip at Fratton Park.
I only ever came up against Barnet on one occasion after leaving the club and it was in this competition when I was at Reading.
Apart from the promotion season at Pompey, I had some of the best times of my career when I was there.
All the players were in the same position financially, there were no egos, it was a young team and we shared some good times together.
It was a great football education for me.
It would have been emotional if I was playing still.
But it will still bring back some nice memories."

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2011-06-18 08:00:00

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