<i>The squad just needs to keep fit</i>

The squad just needs to keep fit

Mark Stimson ser ljust på framtiden och berättar om sin första tid som manager för Barnet.

Det är i onlinemagasinet A Different League som Mark Stimson är med i en stor intervju om starten på säsongen och om sin fotbollsfilosofi. Trevlig läsning för oss Barnet-supportrar som vill lära känna den gode Stimson ännu bättre.
Angående skadeläget säger han till exempel:
"Some senior players, Steve Kabba has missed a lot of football as has a very good central defender in Darren Dennehy who worked with me last year, so that’s two important areas of the pitch where we are carrying injuries."
Han svarar också på frågan om han skulle ändra sin spelidé:
"No, never. I’ll never change it. Whatever league I’m in, because for me that is the only way."
Stimson om fortsättningen:
"Things take time, you have to look at the big picture. What have we got available, is everyone fit? If you take all of that into consideration can you still see light at the end of the tunnel? Well I can, we have played decent stuff but we have just been sloppy defensively as we have had two tall and physical defenders in Darren Dennehy and Daniel Leach taken out of our defence."
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Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2010-11-10 21:10:00

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