Mad Dog: “It could be magic”
Martin Allen har hållit i sin första träning. fick ett snack med tränaren, som pratade målsättningar och bekräftade att holländarna stannar kvar i tränarstaben - än så länge...
Barnets officiella hemsida träffade Martin Allen efter torsdagens träningspass. Ett träningspass där Landvreugd och Schreuder alltjämt fanns med och instruerade.
Mad Dog sammanfattade sina intryck efter första arbetsdagen sedan han fick sparken från Gillingham i oktober. Bland annat framkom att Allen kontaktades av klubben först morgonen efter förlusten mot Macclesfield, men att han uppenbarligen suttit på standby ett längre tag.
Så här säger Allen om...
...hur det känns att vara tillbaka:
“It’s obviously special to me, there’s no doubt about that.
“But I’m not here to look at yesterday and the day before, I’m looking at today and tomorrow, and what’s gonna happen in the future. That’s what’s important.”
...hur bra koll han har på dagens trupp:
“They’re good players. Obviously I know Gambin, gave him his debut I think. I know Elliot (Johnson, reds. anm.), he was training with us at the time. He’s a good player, played very well last year.”
“I know all the players anyway. I came to see the team play against Wrexham [and] a few other games here recently. So I know everything about every player, to be honest.”
...Uli och Dick - finns de med i planerna?
“Yeah… Yeah… Nice guys, work hard. They’ve got talent, they’ve got knowledge. And… you know, they’ve been very helpful to me today, which is very difficult for them. (Uli Landvreugd går förbi) Bye-bye!
“But once I’d had a chat with them for 20 minutes, you know… I don’t wanna just come here to sack people, but…
“If they’re moody and sulky, the same with the players, if it ain’t happening then, you know… you have to go.”
...den ”holländska” spelidén:
“[I will] stamp my own ideas on the team.
“It’s important not to lose what they’ve got, and it’s important to add to what they have got. And try to do some damage.”
…matchen på lördag:
“All focus is fully on Saturday’s game, Saturday only, that’s it. Same as ever, same as always.
“Hopefully the players will go out and enjoy playing at - I was gonna say Underhill - enjoy playing out here on Saturday afternoon.
“When I drove here this morning I went round the North Circular and saw that big building (antagligen The Hive, reds. anm.) on the left hand side. By God, if that doesn’t stimulate and motivate you, nothing ever will, will it?
“It’s just Saturday’s game, we have to do what best we can, put in a good performance and get three points and get this place rockin’ again.”
…målsättningarna inför slutspurten i ligan:
“There’s 24 points to play for. We’ve got to get as many points as quickly as possible.
“And let’s be honest, it could be magic. It could be what dreams are made of.”
Markus Eyjolfsson2014-03-20 23:40:00