"My target is to get around 18 goals"
Barnets mittfältare Keanu Marsh-Brown lägger ribban högt inför den kommande säsongen.
Marsh-Brown ritade tidigare i sommar på en förlängning med Barnet FC och den kvicke högeryttern är inte rädd att berätta om sina ambitioner inför året i Conference. I en intervju med Harrow Observer berättar han:
"I just want to get in and stay in the team. My target is to get around 18 goals and just work hard for the team and do my best to get us promoted."
Om att jobba med Edgar Davids säger han:
"It’s been a great experience so far and he’s a great manager who brings out the best of you and your qualities.
He expects the highest standards, to give 100% every day and train the way you play and hopefully that will come out in the games."
Och läget i truppen verkar bra:
"The mood in the camp is great.
All the boys have come back after the disappointment of last season. They’ve all come in focussed and ready and our main objective is to get back into the football league.
It will be difficult because not all the players are used to playing in the Conference and there are a lot of young players in the squad, so we’ll have to pull together with the experienced players and help build morale so that we can dig out the results."