Berbatov: "Lagandan vann oss matchen"

Berbatov: "Lagandan vann oss matchen"

Dimitar Berbatov anser att Uniteds briljanta laganda låg bakom den mäktiga vändningen på Bloomfield Road.

Berbatov och det övriga laget såg ut att ha en dålig dag på jobbet innan man i den 72:a minuten vaknade till och påbörjade upphämtningen. Bulgaren stod själv för reduceringen - och vinstmålet i en otroligt intressant tillställning på Bloomfield Road där hemmalaget under långa tider var det bättre laget.

Ett varsitt mål av Berba och superinbytaren Chicharito, efter en underbar passning av Ryan Giggs utjämnade matchen, och i den 88:e minuten placerade den ostoppbara bulgaren in vinstmålet förbi en chanslös Richard Kingson.

"We are a team that believes that no matter how bad the game might be for us – whether it’s 1-0 or 2-0 we are always – we are always confident that if we can score one then we can score more. That was the case today.

We fought like a team, especially in the second half. The first half was not so good for us and Blackpool played a good game, but in the second half we showed spirit and we won.”

I första halvlek såg United mer ut som ett medelmåttigt amatörlag och hade tur enligt Berbatov att endast ligga under med 2-0. Laget lyfte sig dock så småningom efter pausvilan.

“You come here and it’s not such a friendly ground and the pitch is not as good as back home at Old Trafford, so it’s a bit difficult sometimes because the ball is jumping around,” he said, explaining a lacklustre first 45 minutes. Blackpool played a good game in the first half and scored some good goals – they could have scored more in the first half. But, lucky for us, it was only 2-0. In the dressing room at half-time we told ourselves, ‘we can do it, we can do it’. And we did.

Yes [the substitutions changed the game]. Giggs’s experience, his crossing of the ball and his intelligence made a difference. Chicharito is always going for goal; the only thing in his mind is to score. He proved that today. I scored a good goal as well, two actually, but it was the team spirit that won the game.”


Nico Selenius2011-01-25 23:54:00

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