
Tva Brighton spelare uttagna i Arets lag!

Saval Danny Cullip som Leon Knight blev i gar uttagna i PFA:s "Division 2, Team of the Year ".

For andra gangen pa tre sasonger har Brightons lagkapten Danny Cullip rostats fram i "The team of the Year", av de ovriga spelarna i division 2. Senast Cullip rostades in i arets lag, var sasongen nar han senare lyfte division 2 bucklan infor tusentals jublande Brighton fans. Danny Cullip ar givetvis stolt over utmarkelsen och sa igar till Seagulls World:

"I'm very happy, I'ts voted for by other players you play against, and it's obviuosly means that you are doing something right. But it is a credit to the hole team really. I'm not the only player playing in defence -there is another four people including the goalie - so this awrd shows that the hole defence ha been doing well."

Foga overaskande blev aven Brightons och tillika hela division 2:s skyttekung Leon Knight uttagen, (i det lag som av for ovrigt bestar av 3 spelare fran Bristol City, 2 spelare fran respektive Blackpool och Plymouth, samt en spelare fran respektive QPR, Wrexham) da Knights 25 ligamal antagligen talar for sig sjalv.

Trots att Knight var glad over utmarkelsen insisterade han dock pa att uppflyttning fortfarande var det viktigaste:

"Other players from your division chose you, so I'm very pleased. It's the utmost respect in the game, so it's a nice feeling and I was delighted when I was told. Between being named in the team and winning promotion, theres only one priority - and thats to WIN promotion!! Thats what all the boys and the gaffer want - to get back into the First Division and move Brighton forward. Hopefully we can do that this season."

"Team of the Year" i sin helhet:

Malvakt - Phillips (Bristol City)

Backar - Carey (Bristol City), Coughlan (Plymouth), Cullip (Brighton), Padula (QPR)

Mittfaltare - C Edwards (Wrexham), Friio (Plymouth), Tinnion (Bristol City), Wellens (Blackpool)

Anfallare - Knight (Brighton), Taylor (Blackpool).

Charlie Jonn2004-04-26 11:37:00

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