
Forvirrande besked om Brightons nya Stadion.

Efter tva ars vantan och miljontals kronor spenderade, sa publicerade idag antligen Vice Premiarministern John Prescott ett beslut rorande Brightons nya stadion. Men om beslutet ar ja eller nej, har ingen annu lyckats forsta!?

Det ar ett mycket forvirrande beslut som John Prescott tagit nastan tva ar pa sig att komma fram till. Och vad Prescotts beslut innebar ar annu ingen riktigt saker pa. Enligt BBC sa ar det ett negativt beslut som Prescott fattat i Stadium fragan, da beskedet innebar att en ny utrednings process kommer att genomforas. BBC skriver foljande:
"Deputy prime minister John Prescott had been due to rule on whether the ground could be built since a public inquiry finished last year.

Sites to be considered in the fresh inquiry have been listed as Brighton Station; Brighton Greyhound Stadium; Shoreham Harbour; Sheepcote Valley; Toad's Hole Valley; Waterhall; and the Withdean Stadium.

The chosen site will have to be in the Brighton and Hove area and be a realistic proposition for acquisition, according to criteria set out by Mr Prescott's office.

Sites will also be judged in terms of size, development costs, safety and planning issues, transport links, and environmental and visual impact.

The fresh inquiry will also leave options open for considering other suitable sites.

The club first applied for planning permission to build the stadium in Falmer, close to the site of Brighton's two universities, in 2001.

The city council and local MPs had backed the scheme but some Falmer residents had objected. There was also opposition from environmentalists who argued the site was in an area of outstanding natural beauty.

More than 120 MPs from across the UK earlier this year signed an early day motion urging Mr Prescott to approve the scheme.

The Albion were promoted to the Championship - the new name for the former Division One - through the play-offs in May, when about 30,000 Brighton fans headed to Cardiff for the final."

Men enligt den officiella hemsidan och flera andra kallor ar beslutet positivt. Aven om den officiella hemsidan annu inte har kommit ut med ett klargorande, sa kan Prescotts belsut enligt manga tolkas foljande:

------------------------------------------------------------"The decision is YES - provided we can prove that no other suitable site is available. To allow this to happen, the Public Inquiry will be re-opened - to deal with this aspect only. Prescott accepts that the Albion have successfully made the case for a stadium at Falmer.

Despite giving every appearance of being another delay, the decision is EXCELLENT NEWS.

We have to jump through five hoops before we can start building at Falmer:-

1. We have to prove that the development is in the national interest. Prescott agrees that it is.

2. We have to prove that it will bring significant social, economic and community benefits. Prescott agrees that it will.

3. We have to show that any environmental damage can be overcome. Prescott agrees that this can be achieved at Falmer.

4. We have to demonstrate that there is no other suitable site available. Having had to listen to a persistent series of claims by a number of objectors that - despite the evidence at the Public Inquiry - this isn't finally proved, Prescott is bending over backwards to ensure that all the new evidence is fully tested and cannot be challenged through the Judicial Review process.

5. We have to finalise the finance package before construction starts. This wouldn't be possible if a threat of Judicial Review hung over the project. The delay could be at least twelve months.

By re-opening the Public Inquiry, Prescott is guaranteeing that he can't be challenged on the "alternative site" issue. He can give a final YES by the autumn - and the NIMBYs won't be able to challenge it.

If he said YES today, Falmer Parish Council (and possibly Lewes District Council as well) would certainly challenge it. We'd be hanging on for a year before we could make any further progress."

Positivt eller negativt? Tolka det sjalva!

Charlie Jonn2004-07-27 12:50:00

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