Cantona om Rooney och biljettpriser

Cantona om Rooney och biljettpriser

Eric Cantona, nyligen bosatt och verksam i fotbollslaget New York Cosmos, tog sig tid att kommentera både "Rooney-sagan" och biljettpriserna i allmänhet.

Eric Cantona, nyligen verksam i fotbollslaget New York Cosmos, tog sig tid att kommentera den korta, sorgliga men i nuläget åsidosatta sagan om Rooney (och hans krav) som inträffade tidigare under säsongen, samtidigt som han påpekade att fotboll inte ska spelas på grund av pengarna.

“I have no problem with players taking their share, because without players you have no game.

But money cannot be your motivation. If the money is crazy, you can go play for another team. But the demands don’t always come from the player. There are people around him who are trying to manipulate him. I think the question we have to ask the players at the Cosmos Academy is ‘Why do you want to play professional football? Do you want to be a great player, or do you want to become rich and famous? What is your dream?’

If you just want to become a professional and make money, I don’t want you on my team. But if you want to become the best player in the world and score a goal in the last minute to win the game, then I will help you become that.

Me, when I was 4 years old, it was my dream to play with the best. When I got older, they paid me to play, but I would have played for nothing. I didn’t become a football player to become rich. Yes, rich as a person. Trophies. Memories.”

Nyligen framkom det att de billigaste biljetterna till Champions League-finalen på Wembley i år kommer att kosta £80 via klubbarna som deltar, medan de allmänna biljetterna kostar £150 plus en administrativ avgift på £26. Väldigt höga priser, och både Cantona och Sir Alex delar samma åsikt om att biljettpriserna är löjligt höga.

Eric om biljettpriserna i allmänhet:
"What I think is a shame is that people from lower backgrounds can’t afford to go to the stadium anymore.

These are the real fans of football. The game is in their blood. Football is not for rich people. Sure, rich people love football, but it is not such a big part of their life like it is for the working class.

I think clubs should make a quarter or half of the stadium where the tickets are not expensive, where these people don’t have to make a big sacrifice to go to the game. It’s their children who will grow up to be the great professional players, not the children of rich people."

Ferguson om biljettpriserna till finalen på Wembley:
"It's unbelievable and disappointing. It's a killer and a corporate deal, that. Managers and players can't do anything about it. I don't know what you can do. You have a booking fee also of £26 or whatever it is, so dearie me."

Källa: ESPN,

Nico Selenius2011-02-22 16:33:00

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