Solskjaer lämnar Cardiff!
Efter åtta poäng på sju matcher lämnar norrmannen Solskjaer Cardiff.

Solskjaer lämnar Cardiff!

I ett pressmeddelande berättar Cardiff City att Ole Gunnar Solskjaer lämnar posten som tränare för klubben efter en svag inledning på säsongen.

Norrmannen Ole Gunnar Solskjaer tog över Cardiff i våras med uppdraget att rädda kvar klubben i Premier League. Trots att han inte lyckades med det, fick han vara kvar när laget flyttades ner till The Championship. Säsongen 2014/2015 började strålande, med två segrar och ett oavgjort resultat på de tre inledande omgångarna. Men de tre senaste veckorna har resultaten gått emot Solskjaer och Cardiff. Det har blivit blott en poäng, mot svaga Fulham, på de fyra senaste matcherna. Och efter andra hemmaförlusten på tre dagar var det dags för krismöte mellan klubb och tränare. Ett möte som slutade med att norrmannen får lämna klubben. Såhär kommenterade vd Mehmet Dehlam beslutet:

- Having spoken with Ole on deciding the best course of action for all parties, I’m sorry to say that we have agreed that it is in the best interest of the Club for us to go our separate ways.Ole has been a wonderful professional to work with since his arrival at the Club. Due to a difference in philosophy of approach to the game, we have decided to part company amicably. He and his family will always be welcome at Cardiff City. I know I have gained a good friend whom I wish well and remain confident in his future success.

Ägaren Vincent Tan var lite mer rakt på när det gällde beslutet att Solskjaer får lämna klubben
- Ole was hired by Cardiff City on our understanding and belief that he would help us fight relegation from the Barclays Premier League. Unfortunately that did not happen. After the Club was relegated many people advised me to let him go, but I decided to keep Ole on for the Championship season. Regrettably our recent results do not justify Ole’s continued role as manager at Cardiff. Ole has therefore decided to step down and I have accepted this. During my short association with Ole, I have found him to be an honest and hardworking professional, but unfortunately the football results were not in his favour. As long as I am the owner of this Club, Ole and his family will always be welcome in the Chairman’s Suite as my guests. I wish Ole the very best in his future career in football. We now begin the process of finding his replacement and working towards giving all our stakeholders in Cardiff City the results they deserve.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer antydde också, precis som vd Dehlam, att det låg något mer bakom beslutet att lämna klubben. Att det inte bara var resultaten som spelade in, utan också filosofin kring hur man sköter en fotbollsklubb.
- I want to thank Vincent for giving me the opportunity to manage Cardiff City FC. He has my full respect and I really wish him all the best in his pursuit of making this football club successful. However, our difference in philosophy on how to manage the club made me decide to step aside and allow the Club to move forward in the direction Vincent wants. I leave the Club with some very talented players and want to thank them for their efforts and hope to see them challenge for promotion this season. I also want to thank Mehmet Dalman for his continued and loyal support and feel I have gained a new friend.

Den gamle Cardiffspelaren Danny Gabbidon tar, tillsammans med Scott Young, tillfälligt över klubben medan Vincent Tan och Mehmet Dehlam letar ny tränare.


Henrik Örtenvik2014-09-18 14:24:18

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