Mourinho vill ha mer
Chelsea har vunnit ligan två år i rad. Men för att skapa en bestående era vill José Mourinho se mer.
I utdrag av ett förord till en nyutgåva av "Chelsea FC: The Official Biography", publicerad i The Guardian, ger Mourinho bland annat sin syn på Chelseas framgångar och tillbakablickar på fjolårssäsongen. Nedan följer oöversatta tankar av Mourinho kring några ämnen.
Om att skapa en historisk plats i engelsk fotboll:
"In England, people go a lot for the history and they remember Newcastle when Man United did it, and they remember Man United when they are second in December, they finish first. But history is to be changed, and I think Chelsea in these two years have proved that. Because of the second title, we are not a Blackburn that was champion once, isolated, and after that is miles and miles away from it. Chelsea is not any more an isolated situation. It's back-to-back. And if, in the next five years, we can be three or four times champion, that's an era where Chelsea has become very powerful."
Om fotbollshistoria och worst-case-scenario:
"In our side of the world, in my Latin side, we used to say, 'In football, the memory is very short'. But I also say that when you do very important things, that short memory cannot fight against that. You know, it's history forever. You can destroy every record, papers, photos, everything, my grandson will know his grandfather won the Champions League with Porto. Some things you cannot erase. So we go for the worst picture: next season, relegated; John Terry, the worst player in the Premiership; Frank Lampard, killed 20 people behind the goal, never hits the net; Mourinho, only bad decisions. You know, you can imagine the worst picture possible, you cannot erase the history. Fifty years later, Chelsea was champion, the champions were him and him and him. I always think about the future, you know. I mean I'm in the history. I'm very proud to be in that history, but I want more things: more things for me, more things for Chelsea and one day more things for me not in Chelsea. Because one day you have to stop because I want or because Chelsea wants, but I am happy, I'm looking forward to the challenges. I want to repeat what we have won. I want to win what we didn't.
"I can imagine, I hope it happens in 20 years' time, I come back to London and to Stamford Bridge to see a game and I have to believe, with what I see, that people will respect me and will cheer me in this kind of situation. Or one day I hope in 60 years' time - so I hope I go to 100 - when I'm dead, Chelsea supporters will remember this guy was the coach. So I understand that."
Om svackan i början av året:
"My players are the players of the first period and the players of the last period," he said. "That's what I want to believe. And that's what I do believe, because if they are not that kind of player and not that kind of man they cannot react the way they did. So for me that was not a surprise. For me the surprise was during the season, during that couple of months, February, March, up and down, not so committed, not the same level of motivation and I'm in that group. I'm not saying I was the perfect professional and they were not good. I'm in the same group. We all felt it's over, but it was not over. When you are out of the Champions League and at the same time you feel like champions of England you have nothing else behind your brain to push you for high standards, so you let the season fly, you let the season go, because you know in one more week, two more weeks, three more weeks, you are champions. And you know it's incorrect but it's very difficult to fight the situation, so only when we felt they are seven - not 20 any more - they are only seven points behind you, it's then that you feel you wake up to the reality. And if you are good you react the way the team did and you win it. If you are not good, you can collapse. You can collapse under that pressure, but the answer was magnificent."
Om avslutningen på förra säsongen:
"The game against West Ham [in April] at home was the one that makes me say, 'It's over, no chance'. Losing 1-0, playing with 10 men, change the result, win 4-1, play fantastic, and after that go to Bolton, very difficult place to win, win 2-0. So you need a draw to be champions, you beat Man United 3-0: you are champions at home. This last period was brilliant."
Om VM som distraktion för spelarna under våren:
"It's very difficult. It mainly depends on national coaches and depends on players as individuals. National coaches act differently. One, he say to the players, 'It doesn't matter what you do in your club, you are my choice, you will be in the World Cup,' and it leaves the player with a lot of freedom. Another one can say exactly the opposite, 'If you don't play, I don't select you. You have to think about the move. In December if you are not playing, you have to move, you have to go on loan, you have to change your club; if not, you are not coming.'
Om förlusten mot Barcelona i Champions League:
"You know, I think, if you can say it not in a negative way, Barcelona was 'the chosen one'. I think they are a great team. They have great players. They play very attractive football and they are an amazing club and they have, in their history, only one Champions League and they couldn't do it for decades. And, in the last two years, everybody was feeling they were the chosen one."