

Lägger ut följande text som jag fick på mejlen från England, ifall det kan intressera någon.

Hello Sweden !

I recently visited your website and wanted to introduce you to a new on-line sports community that will be launching for the start of the upcoming football season.

SportBuzz is a new sports community website, showcasing the voices of sport fans like you. For the first time any sport fan in the world will be able to become a sport’s writer. You and other members of your club will be able to submit stories, summaries of upcoming Chelsea games and columns to the site. The SportBuzz team of professional editors will work alongside our writers in order to refine articles, add photographs and related information such as statistics.

I am currently in touch with numerous fan clubs and fan sites all over the world. Writers with a passion for sport and a love for their local clubs are welcome to join us. SportBuzz gives the writers not only a place to express themselves, it also creates a virtual arena in which fans can be exposed to other views, participate in active discussions, and have the occasional on-line "clash" with your favorite adversary (we keep it civil though!).

SportBuzz goes live in mid August, I'd love to talk with you about how your fan club members could be part of the site, and proudly represent your site, and club, in our growing community. In the meantime, feel free to visit, you may go over the FAQ section for more information.

Registering as authors is available on our website right now! If you wish to recommend an especially qualified writer, let me know so that he can register with a personal invitation code – enabling him to start as a higher ranked author on SportBuzz.

*** SportBuzz will go live supporting English articles only (for now).

Best Regards,
Tal Rozow
Marketing Manager

Harri Hemmi2006-08-03 15:41:00

Fler artiklar om Chelsea

Tillbakablick: Dubbla utvisningar och målrekord på Villa Park

Spel utan konto innebär att man använder e-legitimation för registrering.
