
Chelsea vill att FA bryr sig

Det engelska fotbollsförtbundet har avvisat Stephen Hunts knä mot Petr Cechs huvud som en ren olycka. Chelsea vill dock att FA inte låter incidenten passera helt.

Några förhoppningar om att FA skulle engagera sig i själva incidenten har knappast Chelsea efter förbundets utlåtande förra veckan. Däremot hyser klubben ett litet hopp om att FA kan visa intresse för att skallskador inträffar under, enligt förbundet, schyssta former i en ligamatcher. Följande pressmeddelande har Chelsea lagt ut:

Chelsea Football Club can confirm that we have written letters to the Premier League (FAPL) and the Football Association (FA) regarding a number of observations that arose from the match at Reading on October 14.

As this was a Premier League match, the FAPL is the relevant authority to address the serious and legitimate questions regarding medical procedures that we have following the injuries to Petr Cech and Carlo Cudicini. These have been copied to the FA for their information.

Chelsea FC want to stress that we have not prejudged the outcome of these issues. But we do believe they warrant further investigation, not just in terms of what happened at Reading, but also to prevent the same questions being raised if similar incidents occur in the future.

Socrates2006-10-24 07:53:00

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