Mourinho i möte med domarbas

Mourinho i möte med domarbas

Det infekterade såret mellan Graham Poll och Chelsea ska läkas. Ett möte kommer att arrangeras mellan José Mourinho och domarbasen Keith Hackett.

Det meddelade Chelsea sent på tisdag kväll

“Chelsea FC can confirm that José Mourinho and Keith Hackett have been in contact since the match against Tottenham Hotspur on Sunday.
“Mourinho sent Hackett a private email yesterday (Monday) in which he stressed his respect for the head of the Professional Game Match Officials Board who he has met before.
“Although the exact contents of this email will remain private, in general terms it addressed some refereeing issues which have arisen this season. Mourinho made it clear he was open to discuss these and hearing the views of all sides.
“Mourinho said today: 'I am happy to hear Mr Hackett is prepared to meet and I will meet with him when he wants. I have confidence that he is a football man and he respects the views of other football people.' ”

Beskedet kommer efter att Ashley Cole uppmärksammat Poll för att denna ska ha varnat Chelseaspelarna för att han skulle ge dem ”en läxa” i samband med Tottenhammatchen i söndags, samt att John Terry uppgett att Poll gett olika versioner till varför han gav Chelseas lagkapten ett andra gult kort. 

Mer om bråket med Poll på länken till höger.

Socrates2006-11-08 11:54:00

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