Singing the Blues - 4. Fansen

Singing the Blues - 4. Fansen

“Chelsea till I die”. Det är bara en i en uppsjö sånger som Chelseas fans genom åren sjungit och sjunger med stolthet. Fjärde delen av Singing The Blues sätter FANSEN själva i fokus.

Inspirerade av klackar som Liverpools The Kop satte Mick Greenaway (se denna artikel) och hans vänner på 60-talet i gång klackverksamheten på The Shed. Med tiden växte klackens ryktbarhet, på gott och ont. I sångerna tog supportrarnas passion sig uttryck i form av hyllningar till sin egen identitet men under 70- och 80-tal också berättelser om olika ”end” man erövrat på arenor runtom i landet. Med 2000-talet har plötsligt chansen också kommit att hylla ett vinnarlag, och det får bli avstampet i detta avsnitt, som trots allt bara innehåller ett axplock av sånger från olika epoker och en del andra identitetssånger finns i delarna ”Läktare” och ”Pub”.

VARNING. Det förekommer på sina ställen sånger/ramsor vars budskap har lite med Chelseafans av i dag att göra. Men då detta är en historisk dokumentation kring Chelseafans sjungande finns många opassande sånger med, även om vissa rensats bort. 

Chelsea! Champions!
Chelsea! Champions!
Chelsea! Champions!
Kuriosa: Av förståeliga anledningar mycket populär de senaste åren.

Mel: She’ll be coming round the mountain
Have you ever seen Chelsea win the League – Yes we have!
Have you ever seen Chelsea win the League – Yes we have!
Have you ever seen Chelsea,
ever seen Chelsea,
ever seen Chelsea win the League – Yes we have!
Kuriosa: Mycket populär i samband med första ligaguldet på 50 år 2005. Var ett perfekt svar på den identiska sång som andra lags klackar sjungit under lång tid med svaret ”No, we ain’t!”.

We're the Middle
We're the Middle
We're the Middle of the Shed
We're the White Wall
We're the White Wall
We're the White Wall of the Shed
We're the West side
We're the West side
We're the West side of the Shed
Kuriosa: Gammal sang som sjöngs mellan läktardelar och som faktiskt hördes I ny tappning under premiärmatchen mot Birmingham 2007.

Top of the league and we're 'avin' a laff.
Top of the league and we're 'avin' a laff.
Top of the league and we're 'avin' a laff.
Top of the league and we're 'avin' a laff.
Kuriosa: Mycket populär de första åren under Roman Abramovitj.

Stand up for the Champions,
Stand up for the Champions,
Stand up for the Champions,
Stand up for the Champions,
Kuriosa: Förstås också populär 2005 och 2006.

Mel: Que Sera
Que Sera Sera,
Whatever will be will be,
We're going to Wembely
Que Sera Sera
Kuriosa: Standard på engelska fotbollsläktare, så även på Chelseas.

Mel: McNamara’s band
Oh his name is Tommy Baldwin,
He's the leader of the team.
What team?
The finest football team that the world has ever seen.
The Fulham Road supporters and we're louder than the Kop, What Kop?
If you want to argue, we'll kill the fucking lot.
La la la, la la la la la.
Kuriosa: Från 70-talet (vilket referensen till Tommy Baldwin indikerar), men sjungs fortfarande då och då av old scholl fans.

Mel: Red Flag
Where ever they go we`ll follow our team,
For we are the Chelsea and we are supreme,
We'll never be mastered by no northern bastards,
And we'll keep the blue flag flying high,
Flying high, up in the sky,
We'll keep the blue flag flying high
From Stamford Bridge to Wemb(er)ley
We'll keep the blue flag flying high
Kuriosa: På läktaren är det bara refrängen som sjungs, men på puben kan då och då hela versionen höras.

Mel: Oh when the saints
Oh West London (Oh West London)
Is Wonderful (Is Wonderful )
Oh West London
Is Wonderful
It's got tits and fanny and Chelsea
Oh West London Is Wonderful

Chelsea till I die
I'm Chelsea till I die
I know I am, I'm sure I am
I'm Chelsea till I die

Let's all have a disco
Let's all have a disco
Kuriosa: Sjöngs en hel del under 90-talet i olika versioner, som den nedan, och dyker fortfarande upp då och då.
Let's go fucking mental
Let's go fucking mental

Mel: She’ll be coming round the mountain
We're the best behaved supporters in the land
We're the best behaved supporters in the land
We're the best behaved supporters, best behaved supporters
Best behaved supporters in the land WHEN WE WIN!
We're a right bunch of bastards when we lose
We're a right bunch of bastards when we lose
We're a right bunch of bastards, right bunch of bastards
Right bunch of bastards when we lose
Kuriosa: Sjungs faktiskt fortfarande vid enstaka tillfällen.

Mel: I was born under a wandering Star
I was born under the Stamford Bridge
Knives were made for stabbing
Guns were made to shoot
If you come down to Stamford bridge
We'll all stick in the boot

Chelsea Chelsea RUN!
Chelsea Chelsea RUN!
Chelsea RUN from NO-ONE!

Come on score, score, score
When you get one you'll get more
We'll sing your assembly
When you get to Wembley
So come on you Chelsea and score

Mel: Blaydon Races
Whooo, me lads, and all you lovely ladies,
Walking down the Fulham Road, to see the Chelsea aces,
Hooray for Doc and all the Chelsea team,
Best team the Fulham Road has ev-ev-ever seen
Kuriosa: Tidig sång, mitten av 60-talet.

Mel: Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Oh Come All Ye Faithful,
Joyful and triumphant,
Oh come ye, oh come ye,
To Stamford Bridge,
Come and behold them,
Born the kings of football,
Oh come let us adore them (tre ganger)
Kuriosa: Tidig sång, mitten av 60-talet.

Mel: Bless ’em all
So come on you Chelsea and score,
When you get one you’ll get more,
We’ll sing you (in) assembly,
When we get to Wembley,
So come on you Chelsea and score, score, score.

On a Wolverhampton terrace,
In the pouring rain,
A young Chelsea supporter got a bullet in his brain,
As he lay there dying,
Blood pouring from his head,
He looked up to the clear Blue Sky,
And this is what he said,
You're gonna get your fucking heads kicked in!

Mel: Those where the days (Mary Hopkins)
We are the Shed my friends
We took the Stretford end
We'll sing and dance and do it all again
We all follow the blues
We fight we never lose
We are the Shed
Oh yes we are the Shed

Mel: Peek A Boo
I would grow much weaker, weather would be bleaker,
If I spent a week away from Che-el-sea,
Stamford Bridge, you’re the only ground for me,
That’s where I go, it’s my home, to see Chelsea
Kuriosa: Tidig sång, mitten av 60-talet.

Mel: Milord (Edith Piaf)
Come on let's cheer again
Cos Chelsea's here again
They are the greatest football team you've ever seen
We are the best in town
We are the best around
We are the greatest football team you've ever seen

Matthew Harding's Blue and White Army
(Matthew Harding's Blue and White Army)
Matthew Harding's Blue and White Army
(Matthew Harding's Blue and White Army)
Kuriosa: Sången finns i hur många versioner som helst, men denna hyllning till Matthew Harding, viceordföranden och geniune Chelseasupportern som omkom i en helikopterolycka, som sjöngs 1996-1997 känns som en bra version.

Mel: London Bridge is falling down
Harry Roberts is our friend, is our friend, is our friend,
Harry Roberts is our friend, he kills coppers,
Let him out to kill some more, Harry Roberts.
Kuriosa: En sång från sent 60-tal som hängde med länge och sjöngs mot övernitisk polis. Harry Roberts dödade tre polismän i Shepherds Bush.

Mel: Messing About On The River:
We went up to Wolves, We took their North Bank,
We came down to Arsenal, They’re not woth a wank,
So take my advice, There’s nothings so nice,
As kicking the fuck out of Tottenham
Kuriosa: Från sent 60-tal.

Mel: I Get Around (Beach Boys)
Round, round, get around, we get around
Round, round, get around, we get around
My buddies and me are getting real well known,
The North Bank knows us and they leave us alone,
We’ve taken Molineux, The Kippax and Filbert Street,
We take the ends of every mob we meet,
We get around….
Kuriosa: Från sent 60-tal.

Mel: Hello, Hello (Gary Glitter)
Hello, hello, Chelsea aggro, Chelsea aggro
Hello, hello, Chelsea aggro, Chelsea aggro
Kuriosa: Sjungs emellanåt fortfarande omdet råkar bli stökigt.

Mel: Oops up inside your head (Snap)
You get a boot wrapped round your head
You get a boot wrapped round your head

We are eeeeeevil
We are eeeeeevil

Mel: In Zaire
Once there was a battle there,
In Mill, in Millwall
Ten thousand Chelsea there,
In Mill, in Millwall
And the Millwall gathered round,
In Mill, in Millwall
Chelsea battered them down in the grou-ound
In Mill, in Millwall
Kuriosa: Från säsongen 1976-1977 och tagen från sången (In Zaire) om det klassiska mötet mellan Muhammed Ali och George Foreman.

Mel: Molly Malone
In Dublin's fair city
Where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
As she wheeled her wheelbarrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
klapp, klapp
klapp, klapp, klapp
klapp, klapp, klapp, klapp

Mel: Strollin
Strollin', just Strollin',
In the cool of the evenin' air,
I don't envy the rich in their automobiles,
’cause the motor car is phony,
I'd rather have shanks' pony,
Strollin', just stollin' with the light of the moon above,
Every night I go out strollin', I know my luck is rollin'
When I'm strollin' with the one I love..
CHELSEA klapp, klapp, klapp CHELSEA klapp, klapp, klapp CHELSEA ....
Kuriosa: Klassiker. Kom som ett svar på West Hams ”Im’ forever blowing bubbles” och Liverpools ”You’ll never walk alone” på 60-talet. En skön sång i makligt tempo, men sjungs inte längre.

Mel: Camptown Races
We all come from Battersea
Woof Woof
Woof Woof
We all come from Battersea
Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof

Mel: Last Train to Clarkesville (The Monkees)
Take the last train to Chelsea
And I'll meet you at the station
You'd better have your boots on
'Cos there'll be some aggravation

You're gonna get your fucking heads kicked in
You're gonna get your fucking heads kicked in

Mel: Land of Hope and Glory
We hate Nottingham Forest
We hate Arsenal too
We hate West Ham United
but Chelsea we love you

Mel: Teddy Bear’s Picnic
If you go down to the Shed today
You're in for a big surprise
If you go down to the Shed today
You'll never believe your eyes
For Jeremy, the Sugar Puffs Bear
Has bought some boots and cut his hair
Today's the day that Jeremy joined the Skinheads.

Mel: Matchstalk men (Brian & Michael)
And we battered Arsenal
And West ham and Millwall
We stabbed up Yids on the corner of the street
Cause thy thought they ruled
And man u met their fate
Outside the North Stand gates
Where we battered Arsenal and West Ham and Millwall

We're the Fulham Road supporters
And we're louder than the Kop
If anyone wants to argue
We'll kill the fucking lot

Mel: Beat on the Brat (Ramones)
Hit him on the head
Hit him on the head
Hit him on the head with a baseball bat
Oh Yeah - Oh Yeah

Mel: "We hate Tottenham"
We hate Bill Shankly
And we hate the Kop
We'll fight Man United till we fucking drop
We don't give a wiggle and we don't give a wog
For we are the Chelsea
Boot boys.
We are the Chelsea, Boot boys.

Mel: This old man
This old man, he played one, We had Tottenham on the run,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
This old man, he played two, We done Leeds' service crew,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
This old man, he played three, We took the North Bank Highbury,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
This old man, he played four, We kicked Tottenham to the floor,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
This old man, he played five, We done West Ham under fives,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
This old man, he played six, We done Tottenham with our sticks,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
This old man, he played seven, We kicked West Ham up to heaven,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
This old man he played eight, WE DONE THE GEORDIE GALLOWGATE,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
This old man, he played nine, We run Everton done the line,
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
With a knick knack Paddy whack, Give the dog a bone,
Chelsea boys come rolling home.
Kuriosa: Liksom Ten Men To Mow har den sitt ursprung i en barnsång. Så populär att till och med Bob Dylan gjorde en version 1991 – av originalet, inte den här versionen.

Adolf Hitler, he's not dead,
He's the leader of the Shed.
Kuriosa: Sjöngs under National Fronts-era på Stamford Bridge. I Barcelona för några år sedan sjöng en del fans en version med General Franco i stället för Adolf Hitler till en otrevlig poliskår.

Socrates2007-08-22 12:06:00

Fler artiklar om Chelsea

Tillbakablick: Dubbla utvisningar och målrekord på Villa Park

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