
Mourinho gör en Cantona

I något märkliga ordalag, som minner om Eric Cantonas tal om fiskebåtar och måsar, försvarar sig nu José Mourinho.

Utspelet kommer i hans kolumn i den portugisiska tidningen Dez Record. Inga direkta anspelningar görs på Uefagate men parallellerna är inte svåra att dra. Här följer den engelska översättningen i The Guardian:

"In Europe there is a boy daring to think high. He was ambitious in his dreams, wanting to be informed, courageous in his decisions and daring in his entry into a world dominated by people united by links and conservative principles. It was domineering like an iceberg in which the mass of what we see at the surface makes us think there is nothing below it. The kid arrived, he wanted to win and won. He was one of the best and proved it. He said the sharks around him did not frighten him and he swam between them. Society idolised him and the underworld persecuted him. He knows that according to the underworld's legislation he has committed a crime - that of having attained too much success, especially for an intruder."

Fotnot. För de som inte minns Cantonas bisarra fiskmåssnack, så följde det på incidenten när han sparkat ned en Crystal Palace-supporter med en karatespark 1995. På presskonferensen försvarade han sig bland annat med orden: "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown in to the sea."

Socrates2005-04-04 08:18:00

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