
Mourinho dämpar förväntningar

Med den nya säsongen ytterligare en dag närmare finner José Mourinho anledning att påpeka det självklara.

Inför förra säsongen sade Mourinho att Chelsea hade som målsättning att vinna i alla turneringar man deltog i. Ganska självklart, varför ställa upp i tävlingssammanhang om man inte har som målsättning att vinna? Men från massmedialt håll valde man att tolka det som ett löfte om att alla turneringar skulle vinnas. Allt annat var därmed ett misslyckande.

Därför förklarande sig Mourinho lite extra för journalsiterna den här gången. Att exempelvis upprepa Manchester Uniteds makalösa trippel 1999 utlovas alltså inte. Här följer oöversatt kommentarer från presskonferensen:

Om att vinna och inte vinna titlar:
"The thinking is we want to win everything. We know we can't normally do it. In modern football it's almost impossible. If you look to the last season Milan was in the Champion League Final, they didn't win the Championship; Juventus won the Championship, but went out of the Champions League in an early stage; Barcelona won the Spanish League, they went out of Champions League in an early stage; Liverpool won the Champions League, they were fifth in the League; Bayern Munich won the Championship and went out of Champions League at an early stage. We want to win everything. If we win two out of four it's again fantastic. If we win a big competition like the Premiership, or the Champions League, or the two Cups, if you win then it's good, it's always good to win. If we win nothing, I don't know. I've never experienced it. It will happen one day and I will have to cope with it."

Om skriverierna efter uttalandena om FA:
"I don't want fights and I will always say what I feel, especially facts. Facts are not controversy. Opinion can make controversy and sometimes you have to cool down and think twice before saying something."

Om Crespo:
"His motivation is very, very high at this moment. His relationship with the players is very good, and with me and the staff it is very open. I think he convinced himself, he was a successful player at every place - the only place where people still have a question mark is in England. He is a proud man, and I think he wants to do it. He is a big player, and we don't spend the money. Argentina is a special country like Brazil, they are very proud to play for national teams, and that's a plus to motivate him."

Om Crespo vs andra anfallare I laget:
"He is a different striker to what we have. I can say clearly Drogba is a better player than Crespo on this, Crespo is a better player than Drogba on that, so I can choose them as I need them. We have Gudjohnsen who can offer us something completely different, and we have young Carlton Cole."

Socrates2005-07-17 17:57:00

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