
Mourinho intervjuad

José Mourinho och hans Chelsea är nu i USA, han berättar om det tuffa träningsprogrammet mm.

José kör ett väldigt hårt träningsprogram nere i New Jersey att vi förmodligen får se nästan samtliga spelare göra en insats på Söndag mot Milan.

Här kommer Mourinhos kommentarer på engelska.

Om träningen
“We’re working very, very well,” he said today at a hotel near the training complex.

“Very hard and very well. I explained to them that with the Benfica game we finished the first part of pre-season and we achieved the objectives, and now the second part we’re more concerned with the intensity of our game and some tactical aspects.

“Because the players are very, very tired especially the new ones because they are not used to the methodology we use, the Milan game arrive in a good moment for us but it will not be easy to have the answers. So I think I will use everyone again, some for 60 minutes and some for 45.”

Kort om SWP
He stressed that Shaun Wright-Phillips is one of the players feeling the tiredness as he adapts to the Mourinho methodology.

Om Crespo
One person he may well be looking for plenty from is Hernán Crespo.

“I think he will score goals, a lot of goals. He’s working very, very hard. He thinks football, and I like players who understand the game, not play just by instinct. He understands everything I explain. In him and Didier and Carlton Cole, because in this moment I don’t let him go, we have three very good strikers and I hope they will score a lot of goals for us.

“He’s fantastic. He never miss one second of training, trains everyday, every minute, happy, he loves the way we work, it’s adapted to his way of football, he’s used to this competition for places and I think he will score goals for us.”

On the UEFA Champions League Final, when Milan lost a three goal lead to Liverpool, he said: “I spoke to him once about the situation because I was curious, and I believe in what he told me, and what he told me was: ‘That’s football.’ At half-time they were focused, they were concentrated, they were not jumping, they were very serious. His comment to me is that it’s not easy to score two goals in a final of the European competition and lose, you should be the hero. So he’s one more, he’s never done it, one more who wants to win it.”

He gave some insight to his plans for the beginning of the season. “I understand everyone wants to play against Wigan, but I tell them with internationals we will have 70 matches this season. No-one can play 70 matches. Everyone will get their chance.

Om konkurrensen
“I just can say that last season we had a team and our team was champions, I used everybody during the season but I had 11 or 12 players who normally were line-up players, and this is the basis of the team. It’s impossible to think that against Wigan I’m going to change dramatically my team of last season.

“I can make changes, of course I can, that is the reason we want new players and improvement, players cannot sleep on what they did last season, but we have a base. That base will be the spine of the team.”

Om Essien?
He admitted he would still like one more midfielder to complete his squad in order to be best equipped to challenge on every front. But he declined to discuss further the transfer situation.

Milan v Chelsea visas på Chelsea TV.

Peter Tjärnström2005-07-22 23:15:00

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