
Upprop mot Coventrys nya logga

Reaktionera lät inte vänta på sig. Folkstorm mot den nya loggan.

Coventrys nya skämt till logga har mottagits på precis samma sätt som man väntade när man såg den.

Vi kan inte stillasittande acceptera att vår egen klubbs styrelse gör sig själva och sina fans till åtlöje på detta vis och därför startar vi nu ett upprop och en namninsamling som kommer att skickas till såväl Coventry City FC som en del olika fanzines och tidningar.
Gå in på vårt forum och skriv ner ert stöd, eller maila till

Detta handlar inte om fotboll längre. Det är mycket viktigare. Coventrys nuvarande logga innehåller symboler för hur staden reste sig från de hårda bombräderna under andra världskriget, den symboliserade klubbens historia och framförallt STOLTHET. Nu vill den sittande styrelsen radera ut detta i ett hysteriskt försök att verka "hippa" och "inne" med en logga som ser ut som om den vore gjord av en lågstadieelev som nyss lärt sig använda paint på datorn.

Följande ord har man kunnat hitta på olika siter relaterade till Coventry City FC:

Once again the board have proved how out of touch they are with the feelings and wishes of the supporters.
The badge is tacky, simplistic and will date rapidly. It reflects none of the heritage of the club or city. For many years our badge has been a unique symbol of our club and the board are flushing this down the toilet. Scrap this badge now.

I don't like the new badge. I would prefer to stay with the current one or even go back to the orignal. Why do the board insist on annoying the fans?

Mike McGinnity, you really have excelled yourself this time around. Why change?
The current badge is fine. Last season you change a decent manager, this season you change the club badge, what's in store for us next season?
MM you should take a long hard look at the letters not just in the CET (Coventry Evening Telegraph, reds.amn)but across fans message boards.
Yet again the fans don't have a say in what is becoming a shambolic club.

I am totally shocked and appalled at this move by the club.
They have no respect for our history or the feelings of supporters. It's our club when will they realise this.
With each passing day the board and chairman in particular distance themselves from the people of Coventry.
The design is amateurish at best and removes all the feeling of city pride totally.
I live up north and while I may get slated about our team, people always remark on how good our club badge is and how recognisable it makes us.
I am very upset today and will not buy any merchandise now or in the future with this new badge on it.

The new design is an embarresment to the club and supporters making us look cheap and amaturish.
The current badge looks classy and distinctive while being symbolic linking football to the city.
The new design would be more suitable for a wildlife organisation!

Why, Why, Why does this chairman keep trying to destroy our history.
First trying to get rid of the fact we won the cup in 87, now changing our crest.
Leave it alone and get back to trying to bring in new investors to replace this current board.

Terrible!!! It looks like a design from a primary school "Design a new badge for the school team" competition.
How can the club change something as important as the badge without consulting the fans. The club must reconsider. Personally I will not recognise this as club badge nor will I purchase any merchandise bearing it.

Who's up for doing something about this god damn awful badge and god damn awful Chairman?
I see he's saying in the Telegraph that we'll soon take it into our hearts.
The Badge is our badge, it's a part of our history. As far as I am concerned no jumped up fookin' yam yam is gonna take our badge away.
So who's up for?
We've only a few days to get organised but the fight back must start now.
Enough is enough, lets get our Club and badge back.

Har ingen som helst åsikt om coventry, men måste gråta en skvätt för designern (8 bast och nyligen hittat paint på 486:an?).
Om något borde man ju gå bakåt, till den gammla klassiska loggan... den är faktiskt riktigt skön.

Källor: Vårt eget forum, iccoventry, gmkonline

Mattias Larsson2005-01-11 23:34:00

Fler artiklar om Coventry

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